Click the name to open about the content. For
documents, see Document Properties and Files Page. If your system includes Bookmark Editor, you can drag the name of a part to the name of another
part to make the first part a child of the second part.
Shows a thumbnail version of the primary image
for the item. |
The title of the content item. |
The content type, such as Document or Part.
The revision number for the item, if the item
is revisionable. Only nondocument items have revision numbers.
The content page lists only the revision of an item that is
connected to the bookmark. Click to view the
Revisions page for that document object. See Document Revisions Page. If any
content is revised, the original revision is retained in the
bookmark. The new revision is created, but is not connected
to the bookmark. |
The version number for the document. Only
documents have version numbers. Click to view the list of
versions of that document. See File Versions Page.
The actions you can perform on the listed
content. If an icon is not displayed, then the item's status
does not allow the action.
Icon |
Name |
Action |

Subscribe |
View and select subscriptions. See

View Files |
View the file in the program
associated with the file's extension, including
2D and 3D viewer
programs. |

Download |
Download one or more files
to your local machine. Browse to the directory or
folder you want to contain the file. Multiple
files are downloaded in a single zip file. |

Check Out and Lock |
Check out one or more files
to your local machine and lock the files from
other users who cannot unlock it. Navigate to the
folder or directory you want to contain the file.
Cannot be used with 3D files. |

Update Files |
Update a file to its next
version. See Uploading Files.

Add Files |
Check in and unlock one or
more files. See Uploading Files.

Unlock |
Unlock the file without
checking in a new version. |
If a document contains multiple files, you can check out a
subset of those files. If you later click , a message displays indicating that
some of the files are already checked out. You can proceed
to view the document's file list to check out any of the
files not already checked out, or cancel the
If you checked out a subset of files and click , the app opens the check-in dialog
box with the files you previously checked out.
Drop zone to check-in files to a document.
Number of files locked / number of files
checked into this document. For example, 2/4 indicates 2 files
of the 4 files checked into this object are locked. If a file is
locked, you can still view it and save it to your computer.
If the icon shows in the row, the item is
included in an active route. Route members with Write
access to the document can edit the document from the route, but
not from the Bookmark. (Your system could be set up to allow content to be included
in multiple routes.) See Routes. |
A description of the content. |
The current state of the content. |
Click to open the item in a separate window.