Programming Section

The primary area of the Programming section provides commands for creating and managing tasks and trajectories.

New Device Task
Creates a new task.
See Creating a New Device Task
Generate Robot Task
Creates a new task from an existing trajectory.
See Creating a New Device Task
Replicate Task across resources
Copies a task across resources.
See Replicating Tasks
Displays the operations of a given task in a table, and provides tools for editing and managing those operations.
See Flyout for Teach
Set Turn Numbers
Analyzes each operation within a task and its target and then computes the turn number based on the shortest angle computation.
See Using Set Turn Numbers
Compute Rail Values
Automatically assigns rail axes values based on predefined strategies.
See Rail Axis Programming
Target Reconciliation
Converts target types (tag, cartesian, joint) for a given robot task.
See Managing Target Types
Split Task
Split a task into multiple tasks.
See Splitting a Device Task
Interference zone computation
Automatic IO signals programming to prevent collisions between robots.
See Defining Interference Zones Between Multiple Robots

Flyout for Teach

NRL Teach
Displays the instructions of a given task the native robot language, and provides tools for editing and managing those operations.
See Using NRL Teach
Displays the operations of a given task in a table, and provides tools for editing and managing those operations.
See Using Teach