Troubleshooting the Connectors

These topics help resolve issues with setting up and confiiguring the connectors.

In this section:

The allowedResourceDomains pattern does not seem to be valid
Problems Encountered When Saving the General Settings
Could Not Read the General Settings
Connector and 3DSearch URLs Contain Mismatching Domains
Connector URL is Accessible, but Cannot be Confirmed to be a Valid Connector
Connector URL is Accessible and Valid, but Does Not Match the Connector Being Configured
3DPassport URL Cannot be Accessed
3DSearch URL Cannot be Accessed
3DSearch URL Is Accessible, but Relates to a Different 3DPassport URL
3DSearch URL is Accessible, but Cannot be Confirmed to be a 3DPassport-enabled Server
3DPassport or 3DSearch URL Cannot be Accessed, SSL/TLS Error
Unable to Access Connector URL
Undefined Repository Version Type