R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Computing Mass, COG, and Moment of Inertia of Cables
- You can now compute the mass, center of gravity (COG), and moment of inertia
for a cable when you synchronize the cable with routes in Cable Management
- These parameters are recomputed whenever you edit the following lengths of the cable:
- Boundary length from and boundary length to
- Extra length from and extra length to
- Estimated length of other routes that are not validated
To do so, select the Compute cables mass, COG and MI on synchronize
and length edition check box in electrical preferences. Also, a
new option in electrical preferences, Mass of cable computed based
on, lets you compute the mass of the cable based on either its design
length or cutting length.
For more information, see
Weight Computation for Electrical Content
Cable Mass, COG, and MI Computation
Validating, Invalidating, or Revising Routes Automatically
- While synchronizing cables in Logical to Physical
you can now validate, invalidate, or revise the routes automatically using a new opening
ID, Execute Properties for Cable Synchronize
- The following new EKL methods are added for
ElecRoute :
ElecRoute.Validate() , ElecRoute.InValidate() , and
ElecRoute.Revise() .
Benefits: Automating the step of changing the validation status of routes improves the
For more information, see
Execute Properties for Cable Synchronize (L2P_ExecuteDuringCableSynchronize)
Electrical Methods
Managing Custom Attributes on Electrical Types using Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center
- You can now add and manage custom attributes on the following electrical
types using the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget: electrical cable, electrical routable, electrical cable reference, electrical
geometry, electrical physical system, electrical branch geometry, conductor, electrical
conductor, electrical conductor group, electrical port, junction point, cavity,
connector connection point, backshell connection point, shell connection point, segment
connection point, segment position point, splice position point, and cavity connection
Benefits: You have increased flexibility in managing the custom attributes on electrical
For more information, see
Installation and Setup | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Administration | 3DSpace | Collaborative Spaces Control Center | Configuring Content for the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | Extending Content Types with Attributes
Sorting Branches of a Branch Set
- A new branch inside a branch set is now placed in alphanumeric
- Also, the existing branches of a branch set are now sorted alphanumerically,
whenever you perform the following operations:
- Creating a new branch.
- Splitting a branch.
- Copying or moving a branch to another branch set.
- Renaming a branch.
- Duplicating a network.
For the existing unsorted branch sets, you can right-click a branch set and
select .
Benefits: Systematic organization of branches inside a branch set enables you to locate
the branches quickly.
Sorting Cables of an Electrical Physical System
- A new cable inside an electrical physical system is now placed in
alphanumeric order, provided that the Automatic reorder of cables
alphanumerically option is selected at
- Also, the existing cables of an electrical physical system are now sorted
alphanumerically, whenever you create a new cable or copy an existing cable to the
electrical physical system.
For the existing unsorted cables, you can right-click the
electrical physical system and select Order
Benefits: Systematic organization of cables inside an electrical physical system enables
you to locate the cables quickly.
Exporting Floating Spreadsheets
- You can now export floating spreadsheets to CSV and excel
Benefits: You can export information of only selected objects.
For more information, see
Exporting a Spreadsheet
Opening Physical Products in RFLP Structure
- From the Product Structure Editor and 3DSearch widgets, you can now open physical products in RFLP structure in a native
- To do so, select the Open physical product in RFLP
editor check box at
Benefits: You can work with the Logical to Physical command and
synchronize physical data with logical data.
Integrating Logical and Physical Splices in the Logical to Physical
- The Logical to Physical Assistant now supports splices
as a new type of connectors.
- When running a logical to physical analysis with
, the Electrical Device tab now integrates splices and displays
information relating to them.
- Splices can have one or more logical pins.
- You can use physical splices and their cavities as Expected
From and Expected To ends for wires in the
Wire tab of the Logical to Physical
- You can use the different commands available for connectors in the
Electrical Device tab with splices.
Benefits: The integration of splices extends the types of connectors that you can use,
place, and manage as electrical devices in the Logical to Physical
R2022x GA
Viewing the Synchronization Status of Cable Routes in the 3D Area
- A color is now applied to cable routes in the 3D area to
distinguish their synchronization status.
- The predefined colors can be modified in the preferences of the
Cable Manager Assistant panel.
For more information, see
Synchronizing Cables with Cable Routes
Switching to Edition: Cables and Cable Routes
- The Switch to Edition command is now available in the
following commands: Routing Assistant, Cable
Management Assistant, and Associate Junction
For more information, see
About the Editability of Cables and Cable Routes
Supporting Polyhedral Geometries
- You can now apply commands on polyhedral objects, or use polyhedral geometry
as input.
Benefits: The app is more efficient and robust.
For more information, see
Polyhedral Geometry in Electrical 3D Design
Specifying Cutting Length for Cables
- You can now specify the cutting length and the cutting length tolerance for a
- It is computed and displayed when you synchronize the cables.
You can also
specify the default cutting length tolerance using preferences.
Benefits: Specifying cutting length takes into account the extra lengths in various
bends and other factors of the cables.
For more information, see
Creating a Cable
About Cables Synchronization
Cutting Length
Managing the Visual Quality Using Level of Detail (LOD)
- You can now manage the visual quality of 3D branches and segments using the
level of details to be displayed.
- According to the LOD, 3D branches and segments are replaced by a dashed line
representing their center line. The loft branches (branches with multiple profiles) now
also supported by LOD mechanism.
Benefits: The support of LOD improves the performance while handling the large data and
its 3D view handling.
For more information, see
Visual Quality Management
Generating a Configured Harness
- You can now generate several configured harnesses together. You can also add
the customized columns in the Harness Configuration panel.
Benefits: Generating several configured harnesses together saves time.
For more information, see
Generating a Configured Harness
Saving Electrical Data for Accessing it in Interference Check
- While saving electrical data, a light model for segments and protection is
saved with each type of feature (segment, protection, branch, etc.) which can now be
used to check interferences.
- To do so, specify the preferences at
Benefits: The detailed interference analysis is now possible.
For more information, see
Data Review
Finalize Data Import Command Removed
- The Finalize Data Import command was removed from the
Import / Export section of the action bar.