- Connect Checker Analysis
- Checks and analyzes how two surfaces or curves are connected to each other based on continuity, constraints, and tolerance.
Analyzing Connections Between Elements.

- Distance Analysis
- Provides a visual representation of the distance between any two geometric elements or two sets of elements.
Analyzing the Distance Between Elements.

- Porcupine Curvature Analysis
- Creates a visual representation of the point, tangent, and curvature continuity of curves and surfaces.
Analyzing Using Porcupine Curvature.

- Cutting Plane Analysis
- Projects curves onto surfaces, each curve representing the intersection of a cutting plane with the surfaces.
Analyzing Using Cutting Planes.

- Surfacic Curvature Analysis
- Lets you assess the curvature of a surface.
Analyzing Surface Curvature.

- Isophotes Mapping
- Applies isophotes on a part to analyze the quality of its surface.
Analyzing Using Isophotes.

- Draft Analysis
- Analyses the draft angle on a surface to ensure its manufacturing feasibility.
Analyzing the Draft Angle.

- Environment Mapping
- Allows you to project the reflection of an image onto the surface helping you to visualize shapes in different environments.
Analyzing Using Environment Mapping.

- Reflection Lines
- Computes and projects the reflection of a grid of neons onto surface helping you to visualize the surface quality.
Analyzing Using Reflection Lines.
This command is only available in FreeStyle Shape Design.

- Inflection Lines
- Dynamically computes the inflection lines (zero curvature points) on a set of surfaces.
Analyzing Using Inflection Lines.

- Highlight Lines
- Dynamically computes the highlight lines (isophotes or iso-tangent) on a set of surfaces.
Analyzing Using Highlight Lines.
This command is only available in FreeStyle Shape Design.
- Light Source Manipulation
- Manipulates light sources along predefined circles that are centered on the light target.
Manipulating Light Sources.
This command is only available in FreeStyle Shape Design.

Flyout for Creating Dress-Up Features