Elastic and Plastic Material Calibration of Aluminum

This example guides you through the calibration of elastic and plastic material behaviors using test data and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

If you have some experience with the Material Calibration app, consider trying the other Material Calibration example instead. For more information, see Hyperelastic-Viscoelastic Material Calibration of Butyl Rubber.

You will learn how to:

  • Load material testing data sets.
  • Define the material model that you want to calibrate.
  • Plot the test data and the response curve, and adjust their display so it is easier to distinguish between them.
  • Select material parameters to calibrate.
  • Run a calibration, and assess how closely the calibration curve matches the test data points.
  • Export the material parameters to a material definition in the database for use in simulations on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

In this section:

Load the Test Data
Define the Material Model
Customize the Plot Display
Select the Parameters to Calibrate
Run the Material Calibration and Review the Calibrated Test Data
Export Data to a Material Definition