
You can use the MySession widget to perform PLM operations on the SOLIDWORKS objects in 3DEXPERIENCE. The MySession widget displays a tree view of the active SOLIDWORKS object and a list of commands that you can open through the action bar and context menu.

This page discusses:


The Preference page displays the information about the collaborative space and the tenant you are using. The two options on this page are:

  • Credentials: This option displays the title of the collaborative space that you have logged into. You can change the current collaborative without logging out or closing the active session. When you switch from a private collaborative space to a public collaborative space, some data is not visible based on the Administrator settings.
  • 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: This option displays the tenant name to which you are connected.


The following columns are displayed in the MySession widget:

Column Name Description
Title The name of the family (without the file extension). You can expand the structure of these objects from this column.
Note: The title displays the same name as in the feature tree. Hence if in the feature tree the Title of an object is given the SWTitle, in MySession the Title displays the SWTitle.
An icon is displayed next to the title, which indicates the object type. The different type of icons available in Design with SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Connected are:

: SOLIDWORKS Assembly : SOLIDWORKS Component
: SOLIDWORKS Virtual Component : SOLIDWORKS Virtual Component
: SOLIDWORKS Representation
: SOLIDWORKS Virtual Representation.

Component Name Displays the component name used in the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager design tree. Only the primary settings of the Component Name and Description dialog box are displayed.
Status Displays an icon that represents the status of a given revision of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE. Statuses are represented by the following icons:
  • : The object is new in the SOLIDWORKS session and does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object is opened from 3DEXPERIENCE Vault View but it is not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object's local file is older than the version saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The structure associated with the object is changed in 3DEXPERIENCE. To get the updated assembly structure, perform Reload from Server.
  • : Indicates that a file is modified by synchronization since last open from 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object exists in 3DEXPERIENCE and is modified after downloading it from 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • : The object is in 3DEXPERIENCE and is modified in SOLIDWORKS.
  • : The object is in 3DEXPERIENCE and is not modified after downloading it from 3DEXPERIENCE
Lock Status Displays whether the file is locked. This column is empty if the file does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE. Lock status can be represented by three icons as follows:
  • : Locked by me.
  • : Locked by other user .
  • : Not locked.
Locked By Displays the first and last name of the person that has locked the corresponding family in the 3DEXPERIENCE server.
Rev (Revision) Displays the revision of the object.
Is Latest Revision Displays the following messages according to the revision of the object:
  • This is the latest revision: Latest revision
  • A more recent revision exists: older revision
Maturity State Displays the lifecycle of the object.
Description Displays the V_Description of the object on the server.
File name Displays the file name with extensions.
Collaborative Space Displays the collaborative space of the object. If the object is not yet saved into 3DEXPERIENCE, the field is empty.
Name Displays the PLM external ID of the object for reference objects and the PLM external ID of the connection for instances.
Type Displays the string of the objects that is if the object is a product or a drawing.
Enterprise Item Number Displays the part numbers of parts and assemblies.
CAD Mastership This column shows the CAD Mastership icons for the object. The icons are:
  • : Represents a SOLIDWORKS object (.sldprt, .sldasm, or .slddrw).
  • : Represents a CATIA object.
  • : Represents a native 3DEXPERIENCE object.

This column shows the status of the conversion of the SOLIDWORKS file to CATPart or CGR.

The status is represented by the following icons:

  • OK: Conversion is successful.
  • Running: Conversion is in progress.
  • KO: Conversion has failed.
  • NA: Conversion not requested.
  • : Conversion status is not known. The icon changes after the MySession content is refreshed.
Note: For the SOLIDWORKS assemblies and drawings the icons are displayed to show the conversion status of the parts in the structure.

Instance Name Shows the instance name of an object.
Creation Date The date on which the object was created.
Modification Date The date the object was last modified.
Responsible Shows the information about the owner of the object.

To view the hidden columns, Click Customize View in the Tools section of the action bar or right-click the tree view and select the column name.

  • Drag the columns to reorder them. You can resize the width of the column by dragging the separator or right-click the tree view.
  • If you double-click a column, the order is locked.

Tree Content

The tree displays the contents of the active SOLIDWORKS session. All structures are expanded by default.

Objects Description
SOLIDWORKS Part File (.sldprt) The SOLIDWORKS feature tree displays the contents of the active configurations and the MySession widget displays the active configurations of the object.
SOLIDWORKS Assembly File (.sldasm) The SOLIDWORKS feature tree displays the contents of the active configurations and the MySession widget displays the active configurations of the object.
SOLIDWORKS Drawing File (.slddrw) The SOLIDWORKS feature tree and the MySession widget displays the single drawing object.

  • You can directly select the rows in the tree from the MySession widget.
  • You can select multiple lines as follows:
    1. Add the row to the selection by CTRL-click.
    2. Add the range of rows to the selection by SHIFT-click.
    3. Select multiple check boxes in Check boxes for selection column.
  • You can perform actions from the context menu, action bar, and Compass on the objects that are saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Note: You can view the complete assembly structure of an assembly in MySession even if you open that assembly in the lightweight mode.

Context Menu

You can work on the contents of SOLIDWORKS using the context menu in the tree.

Action Description
Expand all Expands multiple objects to display the respective child parts.
Collapse all Hides the child parts of multiple objects.
Open Opens the selected object in a separate SOLIDWORKS window. You cannot open multiple windows for the same object.
Save Saves the data directly in 3DEXPERIENCE without opening the save dialog box. It uses the same user preferences as selected in the save dialog box. The save dialog box appears only when an error occurs during the save process.
Save with Options Opens the save dialog box for the selected objects. For more information, see Save Dialog Box.
Save as New Saves the object as a new object in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For more information, see Save Using Save as New.
Lock Locks the selected object. For more information, see Locking Data.
Unlock Removes the lock status of the selected object. For more information, see Unlocking Data.
Reload from Server Updates the selected revision in a session with the latest version that exists in 3DEXPERIENCE. For more information, see Reloading a Revision.
Replace by Revision Opens the Replace by Revision dialog box to replace the revision that is open in session. For more information, see Replacing a Revision.
Maturity Changes the maturity state of an object. For more information, see Changing Maturity.
New Revision Creates a new revision of the selected object on the server and refreshes the local information to reflect the new revision. For more information, see Creating a Revision.
Replace Content Opens the File Selection Box to select an object that replaces the object selected earlier.
Properties Displays the 3DEXPERIENCE properties of the selected object. For more information see, Viewing and Editing the Properties of an Object.
Note: Only the mapped CAD attributes are editable.
Relations Displays the ecosystem of the related objects by navigating on relationships and paths. For more information, see Relations.
  • The Expand all and Collapse all are displayed, if you do not refer to the leaf node of the selected object.
  • When you select multiple objects, following commands are displayed: Expand all, Collapse all, Open, Save, Lock, Unlock, Maturity, and New Revision.

Action Bar

You can also use the action bar to work with the contents of SOLIDWORKS files.


Using the Save Active Window and Save Active Window as New commands you can files in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For more information, see Save Dialog Box and Save Using Save as New.


Action Description
Reload from Server Updates the selected revision in a session with the latest version that exists in 3DEXPERIENCE. For more information, see Reloading a Revision.
Replace by Revision Opens the Replace by Revision dialog box to replace the revision that is open in session. For more information, see Replacing a Revision.
Update Revisions Opens the Update Revisions dialog box to choose the type of revision for the objects in an assembly. For more information, see Update Revisions.
Replace by Latest Revision Updates the revision for the selected object with the latest revision.
New Revision Creates a new revision of the selected object on the server and refreshes local information to reflect the new revision. For more information, see Creating a Revision.
Maturity Changes the maturity state of an object. For more information, see Changing Maturity.
New Revision From Creates a new revision of the selected object, but you can select the content of a different object. For more information, see Creating a Revision from an Existing Object.
New Branch Creates a new branch from the selected object. For more information, see Creating a Branch.


Action Description
Lock Locks the selected object. For more information, see Locking Data.
Unlock Removes the lock status of the selected object. For more information, see Unlocking Data.
Change Owner Modifies the owner of the selected objects. For more information, see Changing the Owner of Objects.
Move To Moves the selected object to another collaborative space and/or organization, and can change its owner. For more information, see Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization.


Action Description
Properties Displays the 3DEXPERIENCE properties of the selected object.
Expand Expands the selected object to display its child parts.
Select Selects an object. You can use it for selecting multiple objects.
Display Side Panel Displays the details of a selected object in a side panel within MySession.


In the Simulation tab, you can create structural simulations with Create Structural Simulation command.

This command is available with the activation of Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role. This command creates a 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object linked to the SOLIDWORKS geometry that you transfer to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

For SOLIDWORKS files that have existing SOLIDWORKS Simulation studies (linear static or nonlinear static studies are supported for transfer), the transfer operation maps the Simulation studies and features to 3DEXPERIENCE analysis cases and simulation features. For each transferred simulation study, a corresponding analysis case is created in a 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object.

To open the created 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object from SOLIDWORKS, you need to activate at least one of the Simulation Roles you have been granted access, Structural Performance Engineer, Structural Mechanics Engineer, or Structural Engineer.

For more information, see 3D Modeling | 3DEXPERIENCE for SOLIDWORKS Users | 3DEXPERIENCE Simulation for SOLIDWORKS Users Simulation | Saving SOLIDWORKS Geometry with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Studies.


Action Description
Replace Content Opens the File Selection Box in which you can select an object that replaces the object selected earlier.
Print Displays the print options for the selected object.
Export Displays the export options for the selected object.
Customize View Displays the customization options for the selected object.
Set Enterprise Item Number Opens the Set Enterprise Item Number dialog box where you can enter the enterprise item number for parts and assemblies.
Options Displays the multiple options that are related to save and open operations. For more information, see Options Dialog Box in Tools Tab.
Relations Displays the ecosystem of the related objects by navigating on relationships and paths. For more information, see Relations.
Generate Derived Output Generates a derived output for the selected data. You can choose the type of output format and jobs are created for generating these outputs.

For more information, see Derived Outputs and Social and Collaborative | Multidiscipline Configured Product Development | Product Structure Editor | Working with Derived Outputs.

  • When you open, close, or activate a SOLIDWORKS session, the MySession widget is refreshed.
  • If you select an object in SOLIDWORKS, its corresponding node is highlighted in the MySession widget, but if you select a node in the MySession widget, the highlighted part is not activated in SOLIDWORKS.
  • You can drag objects from the MySession to SOLIDWORKS to open the selected objects. For more information, About Drag and Drop.