Manufacturing Plan Tab

The Manufacturing Plan tab shows the manufacturing plans associated with the model version.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Model Versions
Variability Tab
Rules Tab
Product Configurations Tab
Documents Tab
Requirements Tab

Manufacturing Plan Items

Each manufacturing plan item contains the following information:
Column Description
Color This is the color is associated with the in 6WTags applicable to the manufacturing plans listed in the table.
Notes: This column is not visible in the data grid by default. If you show it in the data grid, it is always pinned to the left side. Enable the Colorize option for any predicate in 6WTags to show the color tags in this column.
Title The title of the manufacturing plan. On most devices, double-click with a delay to edit the title inline. On touch devices, touch to edit the title inline.
Name The automatically generated name of the manufacturing plan. It cannot be edited.
Revision The revision level of the manufacturing plan.
Release Type The manufacturing plan's release type: Root, Revision, or Derivation
Description The detailed description of the manufacturing plan. Click in the column to edit the description inline.
Maturity State The lifecycle state of the manufacturing plan. Click the hyperlink in the column to edit the maturity.
Responsible The person who owns the manufacturing plan. By default, this is the creator. Click the hyperlink in the column to change the organization, collaborative space, or the user responsible.
Creation Date The date on which the manufacturing plan was created.
Modification Date The date on which the manufacturing plan was last edited.
Organization The organization to which the manufacturing plan belongs.
Collabspace The collaborative space to which the manufacturing plan belongs.
Action The context menu for the manufacturing plan.
Note: You can configure which columns are visible in the data grid view and how wide their content is. For more information, see Configuring the Data Grid View.

Page Actions

The following actions are available from the page toolbar:
Action Description For More Information
Search Filters the objects displayed to only those whose Title contains the characters that you enter. Filtering Listed Items by Title
New Creates a manufacturing plan. Create a Manufacturing Plan
Delete Deletes the selected manufacturing plans from the model version.
Group Groups the manufacturing plans by Release Type, Maturity State, or Responsible.
Sort Sorts the product configurations alphabetically or reverse alphabetically by any column other than Color or Action.

Manufacturing Plan Context Actions

Each manufacturing plan has the following actions available in its context menu and Action menu:
Command Description For More Information
New Revision Opens the New Revision dialog box. Creating a Revision
New Branch Opens the New Branch dialog box. Creating a Branch
Revisions Opens the Revision Explorer dialog box for the manufacturing plan, where you can view and create the manufacturing plan revisions. Revision Explorer User Interface
Maturity Opens the Maturity dialog box for the manufacturing plan, where you can promote or demote it to another maturity state. Changing Maturity
Move To Opens the Move dialog box for the manufacturing plan, where you can change its owner, organization, and collaborative space. Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization
Information Opens the manufacturing plan's properties pane. Manufacturing Plan Properties
Delete Deletes the model version.