Variability Tab

The Variability tab lists the variants, values, option groups, and options associated with the model version.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Model Versions
Rules Tab
Product Configurations Tab
Documents Tab
Requirements Tab
Manufacturing Plan Tab

Variability Tab

Each variant, variant value, option group, and option item in the Variability tab has the following information:
Column Description
Color These are the colors associated with the variant and option group object types in 6WTags.
Notes: This column is not visible in the data grid by default. If you show it in the data grid, it is always pinned to the left side. Enable the Colorize option for the Type predicate in 6WTags to show the color tags in this column. For more information, see Edit the Display of a Tag.
Title The title of the variant, value, option group, or option.
Name The system-generated, unique name for the variant, value, option group, or option.
Type The type of object: Variant, Value (variant value), Option Group, or Option
Mandatory The slider indicates whether the variant is mandatory in product configurations:
  • If the variant is mandatory in product configurations, the slider is blue and the indicator is to the right.
  • If the variant is not mandatory in product configurations, the slider is gray and the indicator is to the left.

For more information, see Making a Variant Optional During Product Configuration

Sequence Number The sequence in which the variants and options groups (which are editable in this context) and variant values and options within them (which are read-only in this context) appear in the product configuration.

For more information, see Specifying the Display Sequence of Variability.

Maturity The current maturity state of the variant, value, option group, or option.
Description The detailed description of the variant, variant value, option group, or option that is shown below the display name of the in lists.
Collabspace The collaborative space to which the variant, variant value, option group, or option belongs.
Organization The organization to which the variant, variant value, option group, or option belongs.
Actions The actions available for the variant, variant value, option group, or option.
Note: You can configure which columns are visible in the data grid view and how wide their content is. For more information, see Configuring the Data Grid View.

Variability Tab Toolbar

The following actions are available from the Variability tab's toolbar:
Action Description For More Information
Search Filters the list of available variants and options groups listed in the tab to only those whose Title contain the characters entered in the field.
Add > New Variant Opens the New Variant dialog box, where you can create a variant for the model version. It is automatically allocated to the model version when you create it. It is also added to Enterprise Variability. Creating a Variant
Add > New Option Group Opens the New Option Group dialog box, where you can create an option group for the model version. It is automatically allocated to the model version when you create it. It is also added to Enterprise Variability. Creating an Option Group
Add > Add Existing Opens the 3DSearch results, where you can select existing variants and options groups from Enterprise Variability to allocate to the model version.

You can choose to add and allocate the variant's child variant values or the option group's child options at the same time as the parent.

Allocating Variability to a Model Version
Remove Removes the selected items from the model version. It remains available in the Enterprise Variability pane.
Note: You cannot remove items that are already selected in a product configuration or used in an expression or matrix rule.
Deallocating Variability from a Model Version
Sort Sorts the variants and options groups alphabetically or reverse alphabetically by any column other than Color or Action.

Variability Item Actions

Each variant, value, option group, and option item has the following actions available in its Action column:
Action Description For More Information
Attach Values
Note: This action is only available for variants.
Opens the variant's information pane to the Values tab, where you can add existing variant values or create variant values.
Attach Options
Note: This action is only available for option groups.
Opens the option group's information pane to the Options tab, where you can add existing options or create options.
Information Opens the item's properties pane.

Variant Information Pane

Variant Value Information Pane

Option Group Information Pane

Option Information Pane

Remove Removes the item from the model version. It remains available in the Enterprise Variability pane.
Note: You cannot remove items that are already selected in a product configuration or used in an expression or matrix rule.
Deallocating Variability from a Model Version