Formula Grid Overview

This topic describes the layout and behavior of the formula grid.

This page discusses:

See Also
Adding, Moving, and Deleting Columns
Resizing Columns
Aligning Column Text and Renaming Columns
Special Column Types
Expanding and Collapsing All Rows
Undoing and Redoing Actions in the Formula Grid
Formula Grid Columns Reference
Adding, Moving, and Deleting Rows

The formula grid occupies the work area of the Formulation Design user interface after you open a formula.

The formula grid has the sections described below.

Formula Number and Name

The number and name of the formula are displayed above the formula grid.

Formula Toolbar

The Formula Toolbar contains tools for managing the formula:

Note: Not all tools are available for reviewed formulas.

Column Headers

Using the column headers, you can manage the columns that are displayed in the formula grid. Actions that you can perform with the column headers include adding columns, deleting columns, moving columns, resizing columns, and renaming columns.

The three columns on the left of the formula grid are static (you cannot move or delete them), and have special purposes:

  • The first column has a grab pad for each row, with which you can move the row up and down the grid. It also has a selection box , that you can click to view properties for the row.

  • The second column shows icons for each row that indicate properties of the row, such as the functionality of ingredients, and whether the row is for a phase.
  • The third column shows the indices of ingredients and processing instructions in the formula. Ingredients are numbered starting from 1, and processing instructions are numbered Pn, where n is the index of the processing instruction, starting from 1.

Ingredient Rows

Each ingredient has a row in the grid.

Characteristics of the ingredient are indicated by icons in the ingredient's icon column:

  • Composite
  • Adjustable Ingredient
  • Active Ingredient
  • Colorant
  • Preservative
  • Flavor/Fragrance
  • Processing Aid
  • Include Processing Aid on Label
  • Residual Moisture
  • The ingredient has a processing note
  • The ingredient has a footnote
  • The ingredient is a QS ingredient (QS to Keep Formula Weight Constant, QS to Keep Phase Weight Constant, or QS to Unknown or TBD Volume)
  • QS to Selected Piece Size (Dry)
  • QS Target Component

For instructions on managing ingredients in a formula, see Working with Ingredients.

Phase Rows

Each phase has a row in the formula grid. Phases group ingredients that are processed together. The weight and percentage cells in a phase row show the total amounts of all the ingredients in the phase.

Phase rows are dark gray, and indicated by in their icon column.

For instructions on managing phases in a formula, see Working with Phases.

Processing Instruction Rows

There are two types of processing instruction:

  • A standard processing instruction is associated with a particular step in the formula. You can include a standard processing instruction before any ingredient in the formula.

    Rows for standard processing instructions are purple.

  • A phase header processing instruction is associated with a complete phase.

    Rows for phase header processing instructions are gray.

For instructions on managing processing instructions in a formula, see Working with Processing Instructions.


The TOTALS row shows the total weights, percentages, and costs of all ingredients in the formula.