Analysis and Output Section

The Analysis and Output section of the action bar provides commands for analyzing the postures or other information about your manikin.

This page discusses:

New Manufacturing Simulation
Creates a Manufacturing Simulation.
See Creating a Simulation.

New Manufacturing Scenario
Creates a Manufacturing Scenario.
See Creating a Manufacturing Scenario.

Data Readout
See Flyout for Measuring, Interferences, Probes, Viewing, Motions, and Data Readout.

Simulate and Generate Results
Simulate to generate the results of a scenario then play to review.
See Simulating and Generate Results.

You see through the manikin's eyes, which is displayed in a separate panel. The manikin's vision can be with both eyes or limited to only one eye. The blind spot is also simulated.
See Opening a Vision Panel.

Reach Envelope
Computes a reach envelope for a selected manikin segment (hand, finger or foot). Manipulating the manikin, the reach envelope follows accordingly.
See Using the Reach Envelope.

Swept Volume
Computes and stores the movements of a manikin before generating a swept volume.
See Using Swept Volume.

Postural Score
This postural score feature is used to evaluate and display the manikin's posture. Once the preferred angles have been specified or loaded from a library, you can evaluate the posture using the postural score function.
  • Click Postural Score and the dialog box is displayed with the Display List as the default.
  • Click Close when completed.

Biomechanics Single Action Analysis
This ergonomic tool measures biomechanical data on a worker in a given pose. Calculating and outputting information such as the lumbar spinal loads (abdominal force, abdominal pressure, body movements) and the forces and movements on the manikin joints.
See Using Biomechanics Single Action Analysis.

RULA Analysis
See Flyout for Ergonomic Analysis

Single Task Energy Expenditure Calculation
This describes and explains how to estimate worker energy consumption in kilocalorie (kcal) for a given task.
See About the Energy Expenditure Report.

The Load manikin parameter corresponds to the forces applied on the body segments. This load parameter is considered when making calculations such as Balance, Inverse Kinematics Behaviors, Center of Gravity, and Biomechanics.
See Inserting or Editing a Load.

Ergonomics report
This gathers the results of the various analyses and produces comprehensive report files from these specifications.
See Reports.

Navigate Manikin
This provides the capability to perform a third person that is walking through the experience within the software, and change the mode to first person to third person.
See Using Navigate Manikin

Flyout for Measuring, Interferences, Probes, Viewing, Motions, and Data Readout

New Data Readout
Create a Data Readout.
See Creating a Data Readout Probe

New Measure Between
Create a Measure Between.
See Measure Between Dialog Box

New Interference
Create an Interference Probe.
See Defining an Interference Probe

New Section Probe
Create a Section probe.
See Creating a Section Probe

New Camera Viewer
Using the Camera Viewer.
See Creating a Camera Viewer Probe

New Motion Trace
Creating a Motion trace.
See Creating a Motion Trace Probe

Fault Monitor
Run a simulation and identify all the potential issues, using the Fault Monitor. Review individual issues by navigating through the Fault report, and get a 3D view of each problematic situation.
See Using the Fault Monitor

Flyout for Ergonomic Analysis

RULA Analysis
The RULA ( Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) is an ergonomic assessment tool that considers biomechanical and postural load requirements of job tasks or demands on the neck, trunk, and upper extremities.
See Using the RULA Analysis and Coloring Segments.

Carry Analysis
The Carry Analysis standards uses the Snook and Ciriello tool. This analysis compares actual data for a carrying task to what is considered as a maximum acceptable weight to perform the task.
See Using Carry Analysis.

Push-Pull Analysis
The Push-Pull Analysis standards uses the Snook and Ciriello tool. This analysis allows you to compare actual data for a pushing or pulling task to what is considered as a safe force to perform that task.
See Using Push-Pull Analysis.

Lift-Lower Analysis
Lift-Lower Analysis require two postures (initial and final posture). As soon as the postures are set and recorded select a guideline NIOSH 1981, NIOSH 1991 and Snook and Ciriello.
See Using Lift-Lower Analysis.