Opening a Change Action

You can view the information related to a change action (CA).

  1. Search for the CA.
  2. Select the CA from the search results.

    The categories are:

    Category Tabs Description For More Information
    Properties Properties General properties of the change action Change Action Properties Page
    Summary View the Properties page with sections for proposed and realized changes. For more details, see the Properties page for the context item. Summary View
    History Shows a log of all actions that have occurred for the object. Viewing History for Content.
    Routes Routes involving the change order and provides access to create a route. Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Lifecycle Information about an object’s lifecycle state, routes (tasks) involving the object, and approval signatures required throughout the lifecycle. Change Action Lifecycle
    Tasks/Signatures Lists the tasks and user signatures required to approve the change action. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
    Approvals Display and edit the list of Assignees required to approve the change action. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Approvals Page Tab
    Content Proposed Changes Objects that can be added to a change order or CA. About Proposed Changes
    Realized Changes Realized changes are the result of the change process on proposed changes, and provide information about the changes performed against a change action. About Realized Changes
    Attachments - Lists CA attachments. Attachments
    Decisions - Lists the decisions associated with the CA. Decisions Page
    Applicability - Shows the models associated with the CA and the applicability expressions defined for the models. Defining Applicability
    Dependency - Shows the dependent change actions. Adding Dependencies
    Tasks - Shows action tasks.