Opening a Change Order

You can view the information for a change order (CO).

  1. Search for the change order.
  2. Select the change order from the search results.

    The categories for change orders are described below:

    Category Tabs Description For More Information
    Properties Properties Shows properties for the object. Change Order Properties Page
    History Shows the actions that have occurred for the object. Viewing History for Content
    Routes Shows routes involving the change order and enables you to create a route. Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Lifecycle Shows information about an object’s lifecycle state, routes (tasks) involving the object, and approval signatures required to change the lifecycle state. Formal Change Lifecycle

    Fast Track Change Lifecycle

    Tasks/Signatures Lists tasks and user signatures required to approve the change order. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
    Approvals Display and edit the list of Assignees required to approve the change order. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Approvals Page Tab
    Change Orchestration Shows the COs and CAs associated with this CO to manage the change. Managing Change Orchestration for Change Orders
    Applicability Shows the models associated with the CO and the applicability expressions defined for the models. Defining Applicability
    Attachments Shows the objects attached to the CO. Attachments
    Decisions Lists the decisions associated with the CO. Decisions Page
    Meetings Lists the meetings associated with the CO. Meetings Page
    Dependencies - Shows change orders on which the context change order is dependent. Adding Dependencies