Opening a Specification

Specifications include CAD models, CAD drawings, part specifications, and drawing prints.

Most users can view the categories of information for specifications listed below.

These users cannot access specifications:

  • Anyone who is outside the company (even within the same host company).
  • Users assigned either the Reader (baseline), Owner (app-specific), or Global User (app-specific) role who are outside the organization in which the specification belongs.
  • Users assigned the Contributors who are outside the organization in which the specification belongs while the specification is in the Released state.

  1. Search for a specification object (a CAD model, CAD drawing, part specification, or drawing print).
  2. Click the name of the object in the search results.

    Category Name Page Tab Description For more information
    Properties - Shows property details. Part Properties
    Change Management Change Order Shows change orders related to the context specification. Change Orders in My Changes
    Change Request Shows change requests related to the context specification. Change Requests Page
    Change Action Shows change actions related to the context specification. Change Action for an Object
    Change Legacy Shows change legacy objects related to the context specification. Change Legacy Tab
    Files - Shows files checked into the object. File List for a Versioning Document
    File Versions - Shows file versions checked in to the object. File Versions Page
    Route - Shows routes involving the sketch and provides access to create a route. Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Lifecycle - Shows information about an object’s state in its lifecycle, routes (tasks) involving the object, and approval signatures required for its movement through the lifecycle. CAD Drawing Lifecycle

    CAD Model Lifecycle

    Drawing Print Lifecycle

    Related Parts - Displays all parts related to the specification. Parts Related to a Specification
    Revisions - Shows a list of revisions for the context part. Part Revisions
    History - Shows a log of all the actions that have occurred for the object. Viewing History for Content
    Issues - Lists issues about the specification that need to be addressed. Specification Issues
    Sharing - Shows who has ownership access to the specification and their access. Sharing Page