Workflow for Defining Product Configurations from a New Model Version's Logical Features

This workflow describes how a Product Manager and Product Architect define product configurations and their effectivities from a new model version's logical features.

The stages in this procedure are as follows:

Create the New Model Version

These steps are usually performed by the Product Manager.

  1. Create a product line.
  2. Do the following to define your variability dictionary:
    1. Add existing variants to the product line.
    2. Add existing option groups to the product line.
    3. Create new variants for the product line.
    4. Create new option groups for the product line.
  3. Add models to the product line in one of the following ways:
  4. Create a model version in one of the following ways:

Define Variants and Option Groups, Then Create Product Configurations

These steps are usually performed by the Product Manager.

  1. Do the following to define your variability dictionary:
    1. Add existing variants to the model version.
    2. Add existing option groups to the model version.
    3. Create new variants for the model version.
    4. Create new option groups for the model version.
  2. Click Toggle Mandatory to make the option group,or variant mandatory for the model version.
  3. Set the date effectivity of each of the model version to define the date range during which it is applicable.
  4. Create variant values for the variants of the model version.
  5. Create options for the option groups of the model version.
  6. Define matrix rules for the model version's variants and option groups to specify incompatible configurations and default selections for a specific combinations of options.
  7. Define the product configurations, for its variants and option groups, on the model version's Product Configurations page.
  8. Set the date effectivity for the product configuration on the model version's Product Configurations page.

    Note: The product configuration's effectivity is based on its start and end date, plus any effectivity defined for variability features included in the product configuration. When used with Project Management, the product configuration's effectivity can also be based on a selected project milestone.

Create the Logical Features and Product Configurations

These steps are usually performed by the Product Architect.

  1. Create a unique part family for the model version on its GBOM page.
  2. Define the logical features for the model version in one of the following ways:
  3. Define a unique part family for each logical feature on its GBOM page.
  4. Define any needed design variants on a logical feature's Design Variants page to specify the available options for the logical feature.
  5. Define the needed product configurations for the logical features on the logical feature's Product Configurations page.
  6. Set the date effectivity for the product configuration on the logical feature's Product Configurations page.

    Note: The product configuration's effectivity is based on its start and end date, plus any effectivity defined for features included in the product configuration. When used with Project Management, the product configuration's effectivity can also be based on a selected project milestone.