Analysis Section

The Analysis section of the action bar provides commands for analyzing curves and surfaces.

This page discusses:

Connect Checker Analysis
Checks and analyzes how two surfaces or curves are connected to each other based on continuity, constraints, and tolerance.

Porcupine Curvature Analysis
Creates a visual representation of the point, tangent, and curvature continuity of curves and surfaces.

Iso-Curvature Analysis
Creates an analysis feature lying on a set of surfaces that displays the curvature according to the isoparametrics of a surface.
See Analyzing Using Iso-Curvature.

Cutting Plane Analysis
Projects curves onto surfaces, each curve representing the intersection of a cutting plane with the surfaces.

Distance Analysis
Provides a visual representation of the distance between any two geometric elements or two sets of elements.
SSI, Reflection and Inflection
See Flyout for SSI, Reflection and Inflection
Highlight Analysis
See Flyout for Highlight Analysis
Environment Mapping Analysis
See Flyout for Environment Mapping Analysis
Complex Analysis
This command is available in ICEM Shape Morphing.
See Flyout for Complex Analysis

Surface Checker
Checks sets of surfaces regarding their Class-A quality using user-defined parameters.
See Performing a Surface Check.

Curve Checker
Checks sets of curves regarding their Class-A quality using user-defined parameters.
See Performing a Curve Check.

Light Manager
Manipulates light sources along predefined circles that are centered on the light target.
See Manipulating Light Sources.

This command is available in ICEM Shape Morphing.

Soft Mirror
Performs a mirror analysis of geometrical elements without adding the feature to the tree.
See Performing a Soft Mirror Analysis.

Soft Mirror, Hide Original
Performs a mirror analysis of geometrical elements around a symmetry plane by hiding the original element.
See Performing a Soft Mirror Analysis.

Flyout for SSI, Reflection and Inflection

SSI Analysis
Calculates the intersection line of two sets of surface elements.
See Analyzing Using Surface-Surface Intersection.

Inflection Lines
Dynamically computes the inflection lines (zero curvature points) on a set of surfaces.
See Analyzing Using Inflection Lines.

Reflection Lines
Computes and projects the reflection of a grid of neons onto surface helping you to visualize the surface quality.
See Analyzing Using Reflection Lines.

Highlight Lines
Dynamically computes the highlight lines (isophotes or iso-tangent) on a set of surfaces.
See Analyzing Using Highlight Lines.

Flyout for Highlight Analysis

Highlight Analysis
Creates a highlight surface diagnosis on shaded surfaces.
See Analyzing Using Highlights.

Surfacic Curvature Analysis
Lets you assess the curvature of a surface.

Split Analysis
Separates the splitable part of a surface from its non-splitable part to identify the transition areas.

Flyout for Environment Mapping Analysis

Mirror Analysis
Creates a mirror image of your geometry in any plane defined.

Single Light Band Mapping...
Single Light Band Mapping Analysis
See Analyzing Using Single Light Band Mapping.

Environment Mapping
Allows you to project the reflection of an image onto the surface helping you to visualize shapes in different environments.
See Analyzing Using Environment Mapping.

Flyout for Complex Analysis

The commands in this flyout are available in ICEM Shape Morphing .

Flat Region Analysis
Detects flat regions to be adjusted before manufacturing press tools.
See Analyzing Flat Regions.

Head Impact Analysis
Detects sharp edges and corners at a 3D model.
See Performing a Head Impact Analysis.

Leveling Analysis
Checks adjacent filleted surface clusters for their level differences resp. gap width.

Gap Analysis
Checks how the gap looks from a certain view.
See Performing a Gap Analysis.