- Connect Checker Analysis
- Checks and analyzes how two surfaces or curves are connected to each other based on continuity, constraints, and tolerance.

- Porcupine Curvature Analysis
- Creates a visual representation of the point, tangent, and curvature continuity of curves and surfaces.

Iso-Curvature Analysis
Creates an analysis feature lying on a set of surfaces that displays the curvature according to the isoparametrics of a surface.
Analyzing Using Iso-Curvature.

- Cutting Plane Analysis
- Projects curves onto surfaces, each curve representing the intersection of a cutting plane with the surfaces.

- Distance Analysis
- Provides a visual representation of the distance between any two geometric elements or two sets of elements.
SSI, Reflection and Inflection
Flyout for SSI, Reflection and Inflection
Highlight Analysis
Flyout for Highlight Analysis
Environment Mapping Analysis
Flyout for Environment Mapping Analysis
Complex Analysis
This command is available in
ICEM Shape Morphing.
Flyout for Complex Analysis

Surface Checker
Checks sets of surfaces regarding their Class-A quality using user-defined parameters.
Performing a Surface Check.

- Curve Checker
- Checks sets of curves regarding their Class-A quality using user-defined parameters.
Performing a Curve Check.

- Light Manager
- Manipulates light sources along predefined circles that are centered on the light target.
Manipulating Light Sources.
This command is available in
ICEM Shape Morphing.

- Soft Mirror
- Performs a mirror analysis of geometrical elements without adding the feature to the tree.
Performing a Soft Mirror Analysis.

- Soft Mirror, Hide Original
- Performs a mirror analysis of geometrical elements around a symmetry plane by hiding the original element.
Performing a Soft Mirror Analysis.