Opening a Design Project

You can access all the information related to a design project.

  1. List design projects. See Hazard Details.
  2. Click the name of a design project.

    Category Name Page Tabs Description For More Information
    (project name) Schedule Status Shows the project's dashboard Project Status Dashboard
    Collaboration Bookmark URLs Lists the bookmark URLs for the project Favorites Page
    Decisions Lists decisions for the project Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide:


    Discussions Lists discussions for the project Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide:


    Meetings Lists meetings for the project Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide:


    Details Properties Shows the project's properties Design Project Properties Page
    Preferences Shows the project's preferences Web App Preferences
    Lifecycle Shows the project's lifecycle states
    History Shows the history of actions performed on the project 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content
    Related Projects Shows the related projects Related Projects
    Images Shows the project's images Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Images Page
    Execution Assessments Shows the current health of the project Assessments Page
    Issues Shows the project's issues Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide:


    Business Goals

    Lists the business goals for the project

    Business Goals Page
    Governed Items Lists the associated objects that are executed by the design project Governed Items
    Routes Shows the project's routes Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide:


    Approvals Shows the project's approvals Approvals Page
    Experiments Experiments Shows the experiment projects Experiments
    Structure Shows the project structure Experiment Structure
    Gantt Chart Shows the project's Gantt chart Working the Gantt Chart
    Bookmarks Bookmarks Lists the bookmarks for the project. Bookmarks contain documents and other items relevant to the project.. Bookmarks Page
    Design Changes Lists the design changes Design Changes
    Product DHF Shows the product DHF Summary View
    Product Hazards Lists the product hazards belonging to the project Hazard Details
    People Members Shows the project's members Project Members Page
    Extended Members Shows the project's extended members Project Members Page
    Schedule Schedule Shows the schedule of the project in a hierarchy Working the Structured View
    Gantt Chart Shows the project's Gantt chart Working the Gantt Chart
    Gate Phase View Shows the gates on the design project Phase Gate View
    Snapshots Shows the snapshots for the design project Design Project Snapshots
    Traceability Traceability Matrix Shows the traceability matrix Traceability Matrix
    Design Output Lists the design output elements Design Output
    Design Verification Lists the design verification elements Design Verification
    Hazards Lists the hazards Hazard Details