- Process Generator Wizard
- Proposes all the commands required to create a method plan
from a model containing only the final surface.
See Using the Process Generator Wizard.
- Detailed Geometry Wizard
- Guides you through the definition of the detailed geometries of tools, from the
process part imported tools.
Using the Detailed Geometry Wizard.
- Compute All Unfolds
- Nalayzes the part data model to compute all unfolds.
Computing All Unfolds.
- Analysis Configuration
- Define global parameters for a given Process Method Plan.
Performing Quick Analyses.
- Press Direction
- Analyzes geometrical element to create and optimize a press
Creating a Press Direction.
- Cam Direction
- Analyzes geometrical element to create and optimize a cam direction.
See Creating a Cam Direction.
- Follower Axis System
- Creates an axis system that follows a leader axis system.
Creating a Follower Axis System.
- Blank Material
- Defines a blank material
- Splits an existing blank
geometry (wireframe or surface) into one or several sections.
Associate a material name, a rolling angle and a thickness to each section.
See Defining the Blank Material Properties.
- Automatic Flange Boundaries
- Analyzes a surface to automatically compute the boundaries of the flange.
Computing the Boundaries of the Flange.
- Stamp Partition
- Cuts a
surface into several areas: Drawn areas, Folded Areas.
See Creating a Stamp Partition.
- Unfold as Surface
- Unfolds a surface along a folding line.
See Unfolding a Surface.
- Global Unfold
- Computes the unfolded and planar contour of a part to evaluate the size of the blank.
- You can specify the position of given edges.
Two computation modes are available: Geometric or material-based.
See Computing a Global Unfold.
- Trim Partition
- Cuts a surface boundary or 3D curve into several
See Creating a Trim Partition.
- Scrap Partition
- Cuts a surface by 3D curves or sketches to compute scrap
See Creating a Scrap Partition.
- Process Method Plan
- Creates or edit a process method plan to define a stamping operation.
See Creating a Process Method Plan.
- Process Step
- Creates or edit a process step to define a stamping
See Defining a Process Step.
- Process Action
- Creates or edit an action attached to a process
See Attaching an Action to an Existing Step.
- Check Process
- Checks that the result of the process
is coherent with the expected result given in the first
See Checking the Result of a Process.
- Structure Generator
- Creates a product structure allowing the detail design of a method plan.
Generating the Structure.
- Link Concept to Detail
- Exports the process concept geometry to a target representation.
Creating a Concept to Detail Link.
- Link Detail To Detail
- Creates a dynamic copy of all geometries contained in detailed part to another
detailed part.
Creating a Detail to Detail Link.
- Link Detail To Result
- Creates a dynamic result view of a process, including the detailed design from the detailed part and the process attributes and definition from the process part.
Creating a Detail to Result Link.
- Process Cost Export
- Exports all process related information to a XML file.
- Export in driven by a configuration file.
Exporting Process Data to an XML File.
- Geometrical Link
- See Flyout for Upgrades