What's New

This page describes recent changes in Systems Traceability Dashboarding.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Dragging Objects Between Scopes

You can drag a root element to add this source in a second scope. You can also drag a traceability object from a scope to a second scope, to either add this traceability object or this source.
Benefits: You can easily complete the root or traceability elements in a new scope by dropping the content of an existing scope.
For more information, see Creating and Editing a Scope

Links Attributes in the Coverage and Impact Views

In an Impact table, you can display link attributes.
Benefits: By displaying link attributes in the Table view, you can filter them and clarify this view for your analysis.
For more information, see Analyzing Traceability in the Table View

Navigation from Functions and Logical Components

From a bookmark project, when selecting a function or a logical component, the properties area displays its Origin attribute. You can click this link to open the function or logical component.
Benefits: The navigation from a bookmark project to a function or logical component is enhanced.
For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE: RFLXML

Quick Filter Enhancements

From the Coverage and Matrix views, the quick filter helps filter elements on their title, description, or properties. Previously, it could only filter on their title. In addition, the quick filter usage is extended and is now available on any document in the graphical view.
Benefits: When analyzing its coverage, the structure can be simplified by filtering only useful elements.
For more information, see Analyzing Coverage in the Graphical View Analyzing Coverage in a Matrix

Hide Traceability Objects in the Structure

From the Coverage and Matrix views, you can hide or restore the view of structure elements. This display is kept in the other traceability views.
Benefits: When analyzing the coverage, the structure can be simplified by hiding unuseful elements.
For more information, see Analyzing Coverage in the Graphical View Analyzing Coverage in a Matrix

RFLP Attributes Extraction

For requirements, functions, logical components, and physical objects, you can display more attributes in the properties area and in the coverage table.
Benefits: For RFLP objects, customizing the additional attributes to be extracted is simpler. Previously, you had to customize the settings.json configuration file.
For more information, see Extracting RFLP Attributes with the Attributes Selector View

Jira Favorite Filters

The favorite filters that are defined in Jira are displayed as root in the tree.
Benefits: Filters that are defined in Jira are applied in this app.
For more information, see ATLASSIAN Jira

Search for ReqIF Model and Specifications

In a ReqIf model, you can search for Specification, Spec-Object, and Spec-Relation objects.
Benefits: ReqIf specifications are more accessible.
For more information, see Searching in a ReqIf Model

Search for DOORS Model and in DOORS Projects

You can search projects, folders or modules in a DOORS database, and within a DOORS module, you can search for objects.
Benefits: DOORS objects are more accessible.
For more information, see Searching For or In a DOORS Model

Search for MagicDraw Models

You can search for MagicDraw objects, diagrams, and relations in the database.
Benefits: MagicDraw objects are more accessible.
For more information, see Searching in a MagicDraw Project NoMagic - MagicDraw Search Preference

SIMULIA Analytics Cases Navigation

The SIMULIA analytics cases are displayed. You can search in this new folder.
When a SIMULIA analytics case is used as a root in a scope, the recommended requirements and their parameters are extracted in the traceability tree.
Benefits: You can now integrate SIMULIA analytics results into traceability scenarios.
For more information, see Searching For a 3DEXPERIENCE Object in the Database Dassault Systèmes: SIMULIA

Diff Expand

From a diff table, you can expand a node and its sublevels by pressing Shift and then click this node.
Benefits: In a diff table, displaying the sublevels of a node is easier.
For more information, see Comparing Elements in a Diff

User Assistance: Suspicious Link Clarification

The description of the suspicious links is clarified.
Benefits: The definition of the links that are analyzed as suspicious in Systems Traceability Dashboarding is clarified, to avoid any confusion with the Suspect value of the Status attribute that is defined in Traceable Requirements Management.
For more information, see Analyze Suspicious Links (New or Modified) Color Codes

User Assistance: RFLXML Connector

The RFLXML connector is now documented.
Benefits: This guide provides information about the RFLXML connector.
For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE: RFLXML

R2022x GA

Revision and Maturity State

From the properties area, the following lifecycle commands are proposed:
  • Maturity State
  • Revisions
  • New Revision
Benefits: You can manage revision and maturity in Systems Traceability Dashboarding.
For more information, see Properties Area

Filtering Snapshot Comparison

You can hide some attributes from the snapshot comparison display.
Benefits: By filtering information, the snapshot comparison table is easier to read.
For more information, see Comparing Traceability Models with Snapshots

Pattern Dialog Boxes Enhancement

For the following functionalities, the dialog boxes are simplified and enhanced:
  • Create a pattern node.
  • Create and edit a setter.
  • Create and edit a field.
Benefits: When creating or editing patterns, the dialog boxes are simplified.

Home Page

When opening Systems Traceability Dashboarding, a new home page is displayed.
Benefits: The home page provides a quick access to start activities.
For more information, see About Systems Traceability Dashboarding Home Page

Properties Area Command Icons

The properties area displays icons and tooltips for commands.
Benefits: The graphical view is enhanced, and links to the relevant section of the user assistance helps finding more information.
For more information, see Properties Area Keyboard Shortcuts

Hidden Section in the Properties Area

Displays or hide the Hidden section and the tooltips in the properties area.
Benefits: The properties area is simplified. Additional information in the Hidden section (for expert only)
For more information, see Properties Area Keyboard Shortcuts

Displaying Impacts

From the coverage view, when clicking a subelement from the tree under the Traceability node, the Impact view is displayed by default. Previously, the Structure view was displayed.
Benefits: Displaying the impact view by default lets you analyze impacts before modification.
For more information, see Analyzing Coverage in the Graphical View

Scope Usage

When navigating 3DEXPERIENCE objects in Systems Traceability Dashboarding, the new Scope Usage command displays the relationship with a scope, if any.
Benefits: The Scope Usage command helps retrieve the scopes in which a PLM object is inserted as root.
For more information, see Retrieving Scope Where an Object Is Used

Predicates in Tooltips Are Hidden By Default

In the properties area, when hovering over a property, you can display its predicate.To enter the expert mode and display these tooltips, press Ctrl+Alt+P. By default, these tooltips are now hidden.
Benefits: To simplify the display in the properties area, predicates are displayed only to experts.
For more information, see Properties Area

3DDrive Connector

In the tree, a new folder displays the files that are stored in the 3DDrive repository.
This connector is available on the cloud only.
Benefits: From 3DDrive you can upload and download documents, and store them in folders, but you cannot display them all. With this connector, you can navigate them all and you can preview their content.
For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE: 3DDrive

AUTOSAR Connector and AUTOSAR Builder Import

This new connector displays any AUTOSAR model.
You can navigate:
  • .ARXML
  • .ARZIP (From AUTOSAR Builder, you can export a project with this extension)
Benefits: You can now display and navigate AUTOSAR models.
For more information, see Dassault Systèmes: AUTOSAR