Using Formulated Materials as Ingredients

You can create a formula to use as an ingredient as other formulas.

See Also
Formulas and Batches
Creating a Formula
Cloning a Formula
Opening a Formula
Editing a Formula
Autosaving of Formulas
Rescaling Ingredient Weights
Viewing and Editing Formula Properties
Formula Properties
Summarizing a Formula
Marking a Formula as Reviewed
Viewing a Formula's Genealogy
Closing a Formula


After you mark a formula as reviewed, a material is automatically generated for that formula in the materials database. You can use this material as an ingredient in other formulas.

For example, a cookie manufacturer can create a formula for chocolate chips, and use the chocolate chip material as an ingredient in multiple cookie formulas.

An ingredient based on a formulated material is a composite ingredient. Therefore, you can view its constituent substances in a formula. See Expanding Composite Ingredients.

  1. Create a formula for the material that will be an ingredient in other formulas. For more information, see "Creating a Formula" and "Editing a Formula."
  2. When the formula is complete, close it. See "Closing a Formula."
  3. Mark the formula as Reviewed. See "Marking a Formula as Reviewed."
    The formula is marked as reviewed, and is no longer editable. A material is created for the formula in the materials database. (You can view the new material in Materials Management.)
  4. Create the formula that will use the new formulated material as an ingredient.
  5. Search for the formulated material in the usual way, and add it to the new formula. (See Adding an Ingredient to a Formula.)
    Tip: When you add an ingredient from a search, you can create it either from the formulated material, or from the reviewed formula that is the source of the formulated material.