Opening a Template

You can open a template and view all the details of the template. The page is divided into two parts as below:

  • Part 1: includes Sections, Configurable Reports, and Properties.
  • Part2: includes Preview.

From the Templates page, click the Name of the template.

Click to view the list of categories and to view the structure. The structure navigator displays the consolidated, release snapshot and other reports associated to the template. When you click any of the reports of the sections page for the reports appears. For more information, see Sections for Reports.

The below table describes the category menu:

Category Tab Description For More Information
Template Name Sections You can add attributes using sections. Sections for Template
Configurable Reports You can create customized reports. Configurable Reports
Properties Displays all the basic and attribute information. Template Properties

The Preview page shows the alignment of sections or the reports for you to view after you make all of your changes.

Where Used Where Used Analysis Shows information about where the template is used. Template Where Used
Where Used
History - The history details of the template. Viewing History for Content
Change Management and Lifecycle Revisions Lists all revisions made for the current lifecycle state of an item. Template Revisions Tab
Change Order Shows details about change orders that you own. Change Orders in My Changes
Change Request Shows all change requests that you own. Change Requests Page
Change Legacy Shows information about legacy change objects associated with the selected object. Change Legacy Tab
Lifecycle Shows the states of an object. Lifecycle Page
Routes Lists all tasks and sign-offs for the current lifecycle state of the item. Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
Approvals You review the approvals required for an object for all its lifecycle states. Approvals Page Tab