- Connect
- Connects the selected port to another port. The first part moves to connect the
second part.
See Connect Parts.
- Disconnect
- Disconnects two
See Disconnect Parts.
- Modify End
- Modifies the end style of the selected
route end referring the fabrication end style table.
- Select an end style in the table browser that lists the end styles you can assign
to the route and click OK.
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
- Copy End Style from Other
- Copies the end style from one end node
to the active one.
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
- Copy End Style to Other
- Copies the end style of the active node to the other end
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
- Merge Routes
- Merges two routes at the nearest ends from their respective
selection nodes.
- Select the free end node
of another route. The two routes are merged at the nearest selected ends. The
properties of the first selected route are applied to the second
See Merging Routes.
- Split Route
- Splits a route into two different
See Splitting a Route.
- Delete with
- Deletes the selected part and merges
the two routes.
See Deleting a Part or a Route.
- Disconnect and Delete
- Disconnects the part from the network
and deletes it.
- The connections of the part are also deleted and the contextual design of the
route is isolated.
See Deleting a Part or a Route.
Deletes the part instance only.
Deleting a Part or a Route.
- Propagate
- Lets you select a new size to apply it on the selected network.
See Resizing the Network.
- Copy Parametric
- Copies parametric attributes from
connected part port or route port and applies it on selected parametric
- Manage Branch
- Modifies a branch connection or
places a part on branch port according to the branch rule
See Modifying Branch Connection.
Delete Branch Port
Deletes the branch port creating on the route after the
deletion of the branch.
Deleting a Part or a Route.
Insert Route in Hole
Inserts the route in the selected hole port part.
Inserting a Route in a Hole Port Part.