Context Toolbars

Context toolbars are smart toolbars displaying commands that are available depending on the contextual selection (route, part, or port selection) and the process mode.

For more information about process modes, see Selection Options and Process Modes.

This page discusses:

Part Mode

Connects the selected port to another port. The first part moves to connect the second part.
See Connect Parts.
Disconnects two parts.
See Disconnect Parts.
Modify End Style
Modifies the end style of the selected route end referring the fabrication end style table.
Select an end style in the table browser that lists the end styles you can assign to the route and click OK.
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
Copy End Style from Other End
Copies the end style from one end node to the active one.
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
Copy End Style to Other End
Copies the end style of the active node to the other end node.
See Modifying the End Style of a Route.
Merge Routes
Merges two routes at the nearest ends from their respective selection nodes.
Select the free end node of another route. The two routes are merged at the nearest selected ends. The properties of the first selected route are applied to the second route.
See Merging Routes.
Split Route
Splits a route into two different routes.
See Splitting a Route.
Delete with Merge
Deletes the selected part and merges the two routes.
See Deleting a Part or a Route.
Disconnect and Delete
Disconnects the part from the network and deletes it.
The connections of the part are also deleted and the contextual design of the route is isolated.
See Deleting a Part or a Route.

Deletes the part instance only.

See Deleting a Part or a Route.

Propagate Size
Lets you select a new size to apply it on the selected network.
See Resizing the Network.
Copy Parametric Attributes
Copies parametric attributes from connected part port or route port and applies it on selected parametric port.
Manage Branch Connection
Modifies a branch connection or places a part on branch port according to the branch rule table.
See Modifying Branch Connection.
Delete Branch Port

Deletes the branch port creating on the route after the deletion of the branch.

See Deleting a Part or a Route.

Insert Route in Hole Port

Inserts the route in the selected hole port part.

See Inserting a Route in a Hole Port Part.

Manipulate Mode

Flips a part from port to port.
See Flipping a Part.
Provides options to move a part.
See Moving a Part.
Orients a part by rotating it on an axis.
See Orienting a Part.
Slide Part
Slides the part along the network.
You can slide only parts with two ports connected along a network.
See Sliding a Part along the Network.
Adjust Layout
Lets you adjust the layout of the selected subpart of a network by translation or rotation.
Depending on each border connections between the part of the network you want to move and the fix parts of the network, a specific behavior is applied to maintain the continuity of the network.
See Adjusting the Layout.

Lets you swivel a part or an item of equipment connected to the end of a flexible route to minimize the strain in that route.

When the swivel part has multiple port axes that do not align with each other, you can select the port axis that performs the rotation.

See Swiveling a Part at the End of a Flexible Route.

Insulation Mode

Add Insulation
Adds insulation on the selected route.
See Adding Insulation.
Add Insulation
Adds insulation on the selected part.
See Adding Insulation.
Edit Insulation
Lets you modify the selected insulation.
See Modifying Insulation.
Flip Insulation
Flips the selected insulation between its extremities.
Delete Insulation
Deletes the selected insulation.
See Deleting Insulation.

Spool Mode

Create Spool
Creates a linked spool with the selected objects as members.
See Creating a Spool.
Edit Spool
Lets you add or remove members in a spool, and edit the structure of a spool.
See Editing a Spool.
Delete Spool
Deletes the spool with all its members.
See Deleting a Spool.
Delete Preliminary Spool
Deletes preliminary spools and their links, and the members of the spool remain at their place in the tree.
See Deleting a Spool.
Delete Spool and Move to Parent
Deletes the spool and moves the members of the deleted spool under its parent.
See Deleting a Spool.
Transfer Spool Members
Transfers spool members from one spool directly to another spool.
See Transferring Components Between Spools.

PCF Mode

Generate PCF
Generates a .PCF file only.
See Generating PCF Files.
Generate PCF and DXF
Generates a .PCF file and a .DXF file.
See Generating PCF Files.
Generate PCF, DXF and Drawing
Generates a .PCF file, a .DXF file and then automatically imports the .DXF file in your session as a new drawing under the current active product.
See Generating PCF Files.

Place Part Mode

Place on Route Skin

Places a part on a route skin.

See Placing a Part on a Route Skin.