Requirements Structure Editor User Interface

The Requirements Structure Editor action bar allows you to manage the structure of specification folders and requirement specifications, determine the structure display, and manage the cles of all objects in the structure. The context menus allow you to view the selected object's properties and to manage traceability links between requirements. Drag and drop capabilities allow you to reorder the chapters, requirements, and comments in a requirement specification; and the child specification folders and requirement specifications in a specification folder.

Note: There are several actions that you can perform in the Requirements Structure Editor that are not in a menu in the action bar or context menu:
  • Clear the check box of a root object listed in the navigation pane to hide the object in the structure pane. All root objects are automatically displayed by default.
  • Select the check box of the root object listed in the navigation pane to again display it in the structure pane.
  • Right-click on a root object in the navigation pane, then select Remove root to remove the root object from the Requirements Structure Editor.
  • Right-click on the Requirements Structure Editor action bar to toggle on and off the display of the menu action labels.

This page discusses:

See Also
Requirements Structure Editor
Reordering Structures in the Requirements Structure Editor
Configuring Preferences for the Requirements Structure Editor

Columns in the Structure Pane

Some of these columns are hidden by default. They can be displayed using Action bar > Tools > Tree List View Options.

Column Description
Display Name The title of the object in the requirement specification structure.
Revision The current revision level of the object in the requirement specification structure.
Is Last Version Indicates whether the object is the last version or not.
State The current lifecycle state of the object in the requirement specification structure.
Refined Into The number of requirements that the requirement is refined into.
Covers The number of requirements that the requirement covers.
Parameter Value The current value of the parameter and any minimum and maximum values defined for it. For example:

3.0 deg <= 5.1 deg <= 10.0 deg

where 3.0 is the minimum value, 5.1 is the current value, and 10.0 is the maximum value.

Owner The owner of the object.
Modification Date The date on which the object was last updated.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space that manages who can access the object and when users from other collaborative spaces can access the object.
Type The type of object.
Priority The defined priority value for the object.
Difficulty The difficulty value set by the user.
Classification The classification defined by the user.
Lock Status Indicates whether the object is locked for exclusive editing by a user.
Responsible The owner of the object.
Organization The name of the organization of the user.
Change Context Allows you to change the defined context.
Effectivity Specifies whether there is effectivity defined for the object.
Variant/Option The variants and option groups selections that define the Variant effectivity for the object.
Note: This column is empty if the object has mixed effectivity, meaning that the effectivity expression includes both evolution and variability effectivity criteria. You can view the complex effectivity expression on the Effectivity tab in the object's Properties dialog box.
Note: After you put a requirement specification structure under change control using a change action, you can still manually edit the Variant effectivity, but this action is not logged in the change action.
Current Evolution

Only available for users that are licensed for the Change Manager option.

The Current Evolution effectivity expression for the object.
Note: This column is empty if the object has mixed effectivity, meaning that the effectivity expression includes both evolution and variability effectivity criteria. You can view the complex effectivity expression on the Effectivity tab in the object's Properties dialog box.
Projected Evolution

Only available for users that are licensed for the Change Manager option.

The Projected Evolution effectivity expression for the object.
Note: This column is empty if the object has mixed effectivity, meaning that the effectivity expression includes both evolution and variability effectivity criteria. You can view the complex effectivity expression on the Effectivity tab in the object's Properties dialog box.

Edit Tab

New Specification Folder
Adds a new specification folder directly after the selected specification folder, at the same level (as a sibling).
Insert a new Specification Folder
Inserts a new specification folder as the child of the selected specification folder.
Insert Existing Specification Folder
Opens a search field so that you can find and select an existing specification folder to add as the last child of the selected specification folder.
New Requirement Specification
Adds a new requirement specification directly after the selected specification folder or requirement specification, at the same level (as a sibling).
Insert a new Requirement Specification
Inserts a new requirement specification as the child of the selected specification folder or requirement specification.
Insert Existing Requirement Specification
Opens a search field so that you can find and select an existing requirement specification to add as the last child of the selected specification folder or requirement specification.
Insert a new Chapter
Inserts a new chapter as the last child of the selected requirement specification or chapter.
Insert Existing Chapter
Opens a search field so that you can find and select an existing chapter to add as the last child of the selected requirement specification or chapter.
Insert a new Requirement
Inserts a new requirement as the last child of the selected requirement specification, chapter, or requirement.
Insert Existing Requirement
Opens a search field so that you can find and select an existing requirement to add as the last child of the selected requirement specification, chapter, or requirement.
Insert a new Comment
Inserts a new comment as the last child of the selected requirement specification or chapter.
Insert Existing Comment
Opens a search field so that you can find and select an existing comment to add as the last child of the selected requirement specification or chapter.
Insert a new Parameter
Opens the ENOVIA Parameters dialog box that allows you to create a parameter for the selected requirement and define the parameter attributes.
Detaches the selected objects from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple requirement objects from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Replace By New Revision
Creates a new revision of an object and replaces the old revisions with it.

Creates a new revision of one or more selected objects and replaces the old revision of the object in the structure with the new revision of it.

Note: This action is not available if the selected object is a root object.

Replace by Latest Revision
Replaces one or more selected objects in the structure with the latest revision of the object, if one exists.

Select one or more objects in the structure, except the root object, then click Replace By Latest Revision. Each selected object is replaced by its latest revision, if there is one.

Note: This action is not available if the selected object is a root object.

Edit Properties
Opens the Properties widget, and displays information about the selected objects in different tabs.
You can edit the properties of the object from the widget.

The available tabs depend on the app the command is launched from, and the type of object that is selected.

For more information, see Properties and Information.

For more specific information about working with Requirements Structure Editor properties, see Editing Properties.


Copies the selected object.


Cuts the selected object.


Pastes the selected object.

Tools Tab

Filters the structure either by attribute or by configuration.

Opens the filter pane where you can define the criteria to filter the structure either by attribute or by configuration.

For more information, see Advanced Filtering.

The Filter command is only available in Indexed mode. It is not available in Authoring mode.

Finds elements in the tree that correspond to specified search criteria.
Opens a search field where you can search for text within the structure's objects, with options for case and whole word matching, then navigate through the results.
Prints the structure to the printer of your choice.
Opens the Print dialog box that allows you to print the entire loaded structure presented in table format.
Print Options
Select the print attributes used to print the structure.
Opens the Print Options dialog box that allows you to select which columns you want to include in the printed version of the structure.
Export the loaded structure as a .csv file.
Exports the entire loaded structure as a .csv file to your local computer. You can open this file in Microsoft Excel.

Important: This app creates reports or generates content that contains personal data. Manage these in accordance with good personal data treatment practices.

Export to RMC Exports the loaded structure to Requirement Capture.
Tree List View Options You can see customer attributes related to Requirement/ Requirement Specification, Comment and Chapter object in the Structure Editor widget. You can perform the following actions in the Attribute Management dialog box:
  • You can clear a check box to remove a selected column from structure editor display. However, some attributes will be always visible to the user (you cannot clear these check boxes).
  • Close: Closes the Attribute Management dialog box and structure list will refresh as per the preference you have entered.
  • Reset: Resets the dialog box to default attributes.
  • Remove: Removes the attribute/column from structure list and from attribute manager.
  • More Attributes: The Select Types tab displays the supported types. You can select any type for which you want to manage attributes. By default, Requirement, Requirement specification, Comment and Chapter will be selected.

    The Select Attributes tab displays attributes available for selected type including attributes added by the customer. Previously displayed attributes are selected by default.

    Search box: Allows you to type the name of type/extension/attribute to the filter list.

    Filter rows: Allows you to keep only selected/unselected rows or both.

    You can navigate between the tabs using Next.

Authoring Mode
Toggles from Index mode to Authoring mode, or vice versa.
In Index mode, objects are retrieved from the CloudView index. In Authoring mode, objects are retrieved from the 3DSpace database.

Switching modes has several consequences:

  • The Filter command is only available in Index mode.
  • Indexed simplified geometry is only available in Index mode.
  • Response times are better when retrieving structures from the index in Index mode, than when retrieving it from the 3DSpace database in Authoring mode. The loading time of 3D objects is the same in either mode.

Launch Web Application
Launches the Traceable Requirements Management app in a new browser window or tab.
Subscribe: Subscribes you to all the notification events for the requirement.

Unsubscribe: Unsubscribes you from all the notification events for the requirement.

Edit Subscriptions: Allows you to select or clear the required events for subscription notifications.

You can get notifications for the following events

  • Released
  • Owner changed
  • Added to specification structure
  • Removed from specification structure
  • Downstream
  • Decomposed
  • Content changed
  • Child requirement link status changed
  • Revised

My Subscriptions: Displays all the user subscribed objects. You can filter objects using the subscribed type or event and remove it from subscription.

View Tab

Display Roots
Hides or shows the list of root objects.
Toggles between hiding and showing the list of root objects in the left navigation pane.
  • To remove a root, click in the root's tile.
  • To highlight the root in the structure and the 3D view, select its tile in the side panel.

  • To remove a root, click in the root's tile.
  • To detach a root, click in the root's tile. When you click it, the root is detached and the icon changes to .
  • To attach a root, click in the root's tile. When you click it, the root is attached and the icon changes to .
  • To highlight the root in the structure, select its tile in the side panel.
Expand All
Expands all the children of the selected object.
Collapse All
Collapses all the children of the selected object.
Select All Visible
Selects all of the objects that you see in the structure.
Select Children
Selects all the child objects of the selected objects recursively. The selected object remains selected.
Select Inversion
Selects all the children objects of a root except the objects in the branch of the first selected object.
Select one object or more, then click Select Inversion to invert your selection. All objects in the structure are selected, except the branches of the objects you selected first.
Note that if you do not select any object first, this command selects all objects in the structure.
Select Parent
Selects the parents of the selected objects.
Selecting the parent object cancels the selection of the object you selected.
Select Siblings
Selects the sibling objects. Siblings are objects that share a parent with the currently selected object.
Selecting the sibling objects cancels the selection of the object you selected.
Select Leaves
Selects the leaves of the selected objects. Leaves are objects that have no child object.
Selecting the leaf objects cancels the selection of the object you selected.
Remove All Objects
Removes all root objects from the view.

Lifecycle Tab

Modifies the maturity state of the selected objects.

In the dialog box, select the target state from the maturity graph if you selected one object, or from the list if you selected several objects. Then, click Ok.

For more information, see Changing Maturity.

New Revision
Creates a new revision of the selected objects.

If you select one object, you can enter a comment for the revision.

Revised objects are automatically added in the Requirements Structure Editor when Display revised and duplicated object as root check box is selected in Edit > Preferences. This check box is selected by default.

For more information, see Creating a Revision.

Permanently deletes the selected objects.

Select one or more objects and click the command.

An object will not be deleted if it is used in another structure. You must first detach the object from the another structure.

For more information, see Deleting Objects.

Creates a copy of the selected objects.

You can automatically add duplicated root objects in Requirements Structure Editor.

Duplicated objects are automatically added in the Requirements Structure Editor when Display revised and duplicated object as root check box is selected in Edit > Preferences. This check box is selected by default.

For more information, see Duplicating Objects.


Displays the revisions, branches, and possibly duplicates of the selected object in the revision graph.

Select an object and click the command

The links between objects and the icon on each of them show the lifecycle operation at the origin of their creation.

Use the toolbar to navigate and resize the display. You can also display the graph list view to see the objects in a spreadsheet.

Collaboration Tab

Shares the selected objects with other users, user groups, or collaborative space/organization pairs.

The Share dialog box displays the current list of people the selected objects are shared with.

You can share objects with more users. You can also modify their permission level, or unshare the selected objects.

For more information, see Sharing Objects with Other Users.

Moves the selected objects to another collaborative space and/or organization, and can change their owner.

You can enter a comment for the operation.

This operation cannot be reversed, except by the new owner.

For more information, see Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization.

Prevents other users from modifying the selected objects.
See Locking and Unlocking Objects.
Reverses the lock operation and allows users to modify the selected objects.

For more information, see Locking and Unlocking Objects.

Configuration Tab

Edit Configuration Context
Adds or removes a model as a configuration context.
Opens the Edit Configuration Context dialog box for the object so that you can add or remove a model as its configuration context.

For more information, see Editing the Configuration Context

Edit Variants and Options Effectivity
Adds or edits the variants and options effectivity for an object in the structure.
Opens the Define Variant/Option dialog box for the object so that you can add or edit variants and options to define the variants and options effectivity expression.

For more information, see Editing Variant/Option Effectivity.

Edit Evolution Effectivity
Adds or edits the model version revisions that define evolution effectivity for an object in the structure.
Opens the Edit Evolution dialog box for the object so that you can select which model version revisions define the object's evolution effectivity.

For more information, see Editing Evolution Effectivity.

Copy Variant/Option Effectivity

Copies the variant/option effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Paste Variant/Option Effectivity

Pastes the copied variant/option effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Copy Evolution Effectivity

Copies the evolution effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Paste Evolution Effectivity

Pastes the copied evolution effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Change Tab

Add To New Change Action
Opens the Add Change Action dialog box so that you can create a new change action to add the object to.
Add To Existing Change Action
Enables the search field so that you can search for and select an existing change action to add the object to.

Chapter Context Menu

Right-click the chapter to open its context menu.

Expand All
Expands all of the child objects of the selected chapter.
Collapse All
Collapses all of the child objects, and their child objects, of the selected chapter.
Edit Properties
Opens the properties of the chapter in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected chapters from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple chapters from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Append New Chapter
Adds a new chapter directly after the selected chapter, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New Requirement
Adds a new requirement directly after the selected chapter, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New Comment
Adds a new comment directly after the selected chapter, at the same level (as a sibling).
Insert New Chapter
Inserts a new chapter as the last child of the selected chapter.
Insert New Requirement
Inserts a new requirement as the last child of the selected chapter.
Insert New Comment
Inserts a new comment as the last child of the selected chapter.
Insert Existing Object
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing object to add as the last child of the selected chapter.


Copies the selected object.


Cuts the selected object.


Pastes the selected object.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Variant/Option Effectivity

Copies the variant/option effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Variant/Option Effectivity

Pastes the copied variant/option effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Evolution Effectivity

Copies the evolution effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Evolution Effectivity

Pastes the copied evolution effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Comment Context Menu

Right-click the comment to open its context menu.

Opens the properties of the comment in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected comments from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple comments from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Append New Chapter
Adds a new chapter directly after the selected comment, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New Requirement
Adds a new requirement directly after the selected comment, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New Comment
Adds a new comment directly after the selected comment, at the same level (as a sibling).

Requirement Context Menu

Right-click the requirement to open its context menu.

Expand All
Expands all of the child objects of the selected requirement.
Collapse All
Collapses all of the child objects, and their child objects, of the selected requirement.
Opens the properties of the requirement in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected requirements from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple requirements from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Append New >Append New Chapter
Adds a new chapter directly after the selected requirement, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New >Append New Requirement
Adds a new requirement directly after the selected requirement, at the same level (as a sibling).
Append New >Append New Comment
Adds a new comment directly after the selected requirement, at the same level (as a sibling).
Insert New > Insert New Requirement
Inserts a new requirement as the last child of the selected requirement.
Insert External New Requirement > Sub Requirement
Opens the creation dialog box from the external system so that you can create a new requirement in the external system to insert as the last child of the selected requirement as a sub requirement.
Note: This command is available only if an external requirements management system is integrated with the Requirements Structure Editor.
Insert External New Requirement > Downstream Requirement
Opens the creation dialog box from the external system so that you can create a new requirement in the external system to insert as the last child of the selected requirement as a downstream requirement.
Note: This command is available only if an external requirements management system is integrated with the Requirements Structure Editor.

Insert Existing Object > Insert Existing Requirement
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing requirement to add as the last child of the selected requirement, making it a sub requirement.
Insert A New Parameter
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing parameter to add.


Copies the selected object.


Cuts the selected object.


Pastes the selected object.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Variant/Option Effectivity

Copies the variant/option effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Variant/Option Effectivity

Pastes the copied variant/option effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Evolution Effectivity

Copies the evolution effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Evolution Effectivity

Pastes the copied evolution effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Insert External Existing Requirement > Sub Requirement
Opens the selection dialog box from the external system so that you can select an existing requirement in the external system to insert as the last child of the selected requirement as a downstream requirement.
Note: This command is available only if an external requirements management system is integrated with the Requirements Structure Editor.
Insert External Existing Requirement > Downstream Requirement
Opens the selection dialog box from the external system so that you can select an existing requirement in the external system to insert as the last child of the selected requirement as a downstream requirement.
Note: This command is available only if an external requirements management system is integrated with the Requirements Structure Editor.

Start Link
Makes the selected requirement the source of the traceability link. See Creating a Traceability Link Between Requirements in the Requirements Structure Editor.

End Link
Makes the selected requirement the target of the traceability link. See Creating a Traceability Link Between Requirements in the Requirements Structure Editor.
Links Management
Opens the Links Management dialog box so that you can manage the traceability links for the requirement. See Removing a Traceability Link Between Requirements in the Requirements Structure Editor.

Note: If you detach the link in the Links Management dialog box, the number of requirements still appears in the Covers column.

Parameter Context Menu

Right-click the parameter to open its context menu.

Opens the properties of the parameter in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected parameters from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple parameters from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.

Requirement Specification Context Menu

Right-click the requirement specification to open its context menu.

Expand All
Expands all of the child objects of the selected requirement specification.
Collapse All
Collapses all of the child objects, and their child objects, of the selected requirement specification.
Edit Properties
Opens the properties of the requirement specification in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected requirement specifications from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple requirement specifications from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Append New >Append New Specification Folder
Adds a new specification folder directly after the selected specification folder, at the same level (as a sibling).
Note: This action is not available if the requirement specification is a root object.
Append New > Append New Requirement Specification
Adds a new requirement specification directly after the selected specification folder or requirement specification, at the same level (as a sibling).
Note: This action is not available if the requirement specification is a root object.
Insert New > Insert New Requirement
Inserts a new requirement as the last child of the selected requirement specification.
Insert New >Insert New Comment
Inserts a new comment as the last child of the selected requirement specification.
Insert New >Insert New Chapter
Inserts a new chapter as the last child of the selected requirement specification.
Insert Existing Object >Insert Existing Requirement
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing requirement object.
Insert Existing Object >Insert Existing Chapter
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing chapter object.
Insert Existing Object >Insert Existing Comment
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing comment object.


Copies the selected object.


Cuts the selected object.


Pastes the selected object.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Variant/Option Effectivity

Copies the variant/option effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Variant/Option Effectivity

Pastes the copied variant/option effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Copy Evolution Effectivity

Copies the evolution effectivity of an object so that you can paste it to another object in the structure.

Copy/Paste Effectivity > Paste Evolution Effectivity

Pastes the copied evolution effectivity of one object on another object in the structure.

Specification Folder Context Menu

Right-click the specification folder to open its context menu.

Expand All
Expands all of the child objects, and their child objects, of the selected specification folder.
Collapse All
Collapses all of the child objects, and their child objects, of the selected specification folder.
Opens the properties of the specification folder in a new widget that can be pinned to the dashboard.
Detaches the selected specification folder from the structure without deleting them from the database. You can detach multiple folders from the Requirements Structure Editor widget.

If you detach two or more objects, a status report appears. You can view the successful operations in the Success tab and failed operations in the Fail tab. Requirements Structure Editor and Requirements Specification Editor widgets are refreshed after executing the command.

Note: You cannot detach the root object.
Append New Specification Folder
Adds a new specification folder directly after the selected specification folder, at the same level (as a sibling).
Note: This action is not available if the specification folder is a root object.
Append New Requirement Specification
Adds a new requirement specification directly after the selected specification folder, at the same level (as a sibling).
Note: This action is not available if the specification folder is a root object.
Insert New Specification Folder
Inserts a new specification folder as the child of the selected specification folder.

Insert New Requirement Specification
Inserts a new requirement specification as the child of the selected specification folder.
Insert Existing Object
Opens the Search field so that you can search for and select an existing object to add as the last child of the selected specification folder.