Opening a Program

You can access these categories of information for a program.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader
  • App-specific: Global User

Before you begin: List the app categories for Program and Contract Management.
  1. In the navigation pane, click Program Mgmt > Programs.
  2. Select a program.
    The Projects Summary Report opens.
  3. You can use these categories in the navigation pane to view more details related to the program.
    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    Program NameLists the properties of the program.Program Properties
    Projects Summary ReportShows graphical charts of Pending Tasks, Pending Deliverables, Pending Issues, Assessments, and Efforts related to the program.Projects Summary Report
    ContractsLists the contracts related to the program.Contracts List
    DecisionsDecisionsLists the decisions related to the program.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Decisions Page
    Related DecisionsLists the related decisions associated with the program.
    HistoryLists details to see what has been changed, when it was changed, and who made the changes. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    LifecycleLifecycleShows the lifecycle of the program and its current state. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    Tasks/SignaturesShows the tasks and signatures related to the program. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    ApprovalsLists the approvals related to the program. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Approvals Page Tab
    MeetingsLists the meetings related to the program.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Meetings Page
    ProjectsLists the projects added to the program.Projects List
    RIO RegisterIssuesLists the issues for a project.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Issues
    Risks Shows the risks for a program.Project Management User's Guide Risks and Risk Factors Page
    OpportunitiesShows the Opportunities for a program.Project Management User's Guide Opportunities Page
    DRL StatusLists the DRL Status Report, CDSSR Report, and the Look Ahead Report.DRL Status Page
    ProposalsLists the proposals related to the program.Proposals List