Refine Section

The Refine section of the action bar provides commands for creating fillets, chamfers, and drafts.

This page discusses:

Edge Fillet, local modifier
Creates an edge fillet as a local modifier.
See Flyout for Edge Fillet Local Modifier.

Edge Fillet
Creates an edge fillet.
See Flyout for Edge Fillet.

Creates a chamfer.
See Flyout for Chamfer.

Draft Angle
Creates a draft.
See Flyout for Draft Angle.

Draft Both Sides
Creates drafts on both sides.
See Flyout for Draft Both Sides.

Auto Fillet
Automatically fillets and rounds the edges of a 3D shape.

Choose the selection type as current solid or faces selection.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Automatic Fillets.

Auto Draft
Automatically creates a draft either by adding or removing the material.

Select the mode as add or remove material.

Enter the required parameters such as functional faces, drafting angle, and pulling direction.

See Creating an Automatic Draft.

Flyout for Edge Fillet Local Modifier

Functional Edge Fillet
Fillets the intersecting edges of several selected functional features.
See Creating Functional Edge Fillets.

Edge Fillet, Local Modifier
Fillets the selected edges of a same functional feature.

Select the required edges to fillet.

Enter the required parameters.

Creating Edge Fillets as Local Modifiers

Face-Face Fillet, Local Modifier
Fillets a face between selected non-intersecting faces of a same functional feature.

Select the required non-intersecting faces to fillet..

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Face-Face Fillets as Local Modifiers.

Tritangent Fillet, Local Modifier
Creates a fillet for three selected faces of a same functional feature, of which two are supporting faces.

Select the required faces to fillet and a face to remove.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Tritangent Fillets as Local Modifiers.

Flyout for Edge Fillet

Edge Fillet
Fillets the selected edges of features under the same body.

Select the required edges to fillet.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Edge Fillets.

Face-Face Fillet
Fillets the face between selected non-intersecting faces of intersecting functional features under the same body.

Select the required faces to fillet.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Face-Face Fillets.

Tritangent Fillet
Creates a fillet for three selected faces, of which two are supporting faces.

Select the required faces to fillet and a face to remove.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Tritangent Fillets.

Flyout for Chamfer

Creates a beveled surface at the selected edge, by adding or removing a flat section.

Select the edges to chamfer.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Chamfers.

Chamfer, Local Modifier
Creates a beveled surface at the selected edges of a same functional feature by adding or removing material.

Select the edges to chamfer.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Chamfers as Local Modifiers.

Flyout for Draft Angle

Creates a draft based on the neutral element.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Basic Draft Features.

Variable Angle Draft
Creates a draft with variable angles.

Select the required faces to draft and the neutral element..

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Variable Angle Drafts.

Draft reflect line
Creates a draft using reflect lines as neutral lines.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Drafts from Reflect Lines.

Draft, Local Modifier
Creates a draft based on the neutral element only for the same functional feature.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating a Draft Angle as Local Modifier.

Variable Angle Draft, Local Modifier
Creates a draft with variable angles only for the same functional feature.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

Select the points and enter their respective draft angles.

See Creating a Variable Angle Draft as Local Modifier.

Draft Reflect Line, Local Modifier
Creates a draft by using reflect lines as neutral lines only for the same functional feature.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Drafts from Reflect Lines as Local Modifier.

Flyout for Draft Both Sides

Draft Both Sides
Creates a draft on both sides of the parting element.

Select the required faces to draft.

Enter the required parameters.

See Creating Both Side Drafts.

Advanced Draft
Drafts 3D shapes or creates drafts from reflect lines.
Select the required parameters like faces to draft, drafting angle, and pulling direction.