Membrane loading of plane stress, plane strain, membrane, and shell elements Generalized plane strain elements with relative motion of bounding planes Three-dimensional solid elements Axisymmetric solid elements Axisymmetric solid elements with twist Cylindrical elements Loading of piezoelectric elements Love-Kirchhoff beams and shells Shear flexible beams and shells: I Shear flexible beams and shells: II Initial curvature of beams and shells Normal definitions of beams and shells Constant curvature test for shells Verification of section forces for shells Composite shell sections Cantilever sandwich beam: shear flexible shells Thermal stress in a cylindrical shell Variable thickness shells and membranes Shell offset Axisymmetric membrane elements Cylindrical membrane elements Verification of beam elements and section types Beam added inertia Beam fluid inertia Beam with end moment Flexure of a deep beam Simple tests of beam kinematics Tensile test Simple shear Verification of the elastic behavior of frame elements Verification of the plastic behavior of frame elements Three-bar truss Pure bending of a cylinder: CAXA elements Cylinder subjected to an asymmetric temperature field: CAXA elements Cylinder subjected to asymmetric pressure loads: CAXA elements Cylinder subjected to an asymmetric pore pressure field: CAXA elements Modal dynamic and transient dynamic analysis with CAXA and SAXA elements Simple load tests for thermal-electrical elements Hydrostatic fluid elements Fluid link element Fluid pipe element Temperature-dependent film condition Surface-based pressure penetration Gasket behavior verification Gasket element assembly Cohesive elements Coriolis loading for direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis Pipe-soil interaction elements Shear panel elements