Introduction to Simulation

What's New

Fundamentals of FEA

Definition of Finite Element Analysis

Components of a FEA Model

Discretized geometry

Element section properties

Material data

Loads and boundary conditions

Analysis type

Simple Rod Example: Obtaining Nodal Displacements Using Implicit Methods

Finite Elements and Rigid Bodies

Definition of Finite Elements

Family (related to spatial dimensionality)

Degrees of freedom (directly related to the element family)

Number of Nodes - order of interpolation



Continuum Elements

Three-dimensional continuum element library

Selecting Continuum Elements

Shell Elements

Element Geometry

Shell formulation - Thick or Thin

Rigid Bodies

Mesh Formulation

Mesh Convergence

Mesh Convergence for a Connecting Lug

Mesh Control

Mesh Quality Checks

Aspect Ratio Checks

Jacobian Check


Material Classification

Material Models

Linear Elasticity


Yield Criterion

Flow Rules

Hardening Rules

Characteristics of Metal Plasticity

True Stress/Strain vs Engineering Stress/Strain


Recommendations for Using Hyperelastic Materials

Linear vs Nonlinear Analysis

Conditions for Linear Analysis

Sources of Nonlinearity

Material Nonlinearity

Boundary Nonlinearity

Geometric Nonlinearity

Guidelines for Interpreting Results