What's New

This page describes recent changes in Product Structure Design.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

View Engineering Definition Alternates and Substitutes

You can view the Engineering Definition alternates and substitutes that are available for products and 3D parts.
The following tools are provided to view alternates and substitutes:
  • A command displaying the View Alternates and Substitutes panel
  • A B.I.

Benefits: The engineering definition of alternates and substitutes are available for products and parts in Product Structure Design.
For more information, see Alternates and Substitutes Displaying Alternates and Substitutes Secondary Area

Representation Reference and Instance Deletion

When deleting a nonreusable representation (that is, a mono-instantiable representation), the instance and the reference are simultaneously deleted.
Benefits: Unused representation reference are deleted when their nonreusable instance is deleted.
For more information, see Deleting Objects

CATIA V5 Publications Display

The CATIA V5 publications of geometric elements and parameters are displayed, provided that they are created with CATIA V5 POWER'BY. You cannot edit them.

Benefits: From the 3DEXPERIENCE, you can create links or engineering connections on CATIA V5 publications.
For more information, see Publication Display in Tree

Instance Position Aligned to the Robot

You can align a new instance with the last position of the Robot.
You can now align the position of a new product against the Robot position:
Benefits: Aligning an object position to the Robot helps you position a part or an assembly in the 3D area.
For more information, see Commands Context Toolbars

Copy Persistent Graphic Properties

Provided that they are persistent, you can copy product graphic properties from an instance to another instance.
Benefits: You can easily copy persistent product graphic properties.
For more information, see About Graphic Properties

Product Graphic Properties (PGP) Migration Enhancement

To help you manage the migration of legacy products with product graphic properties, enhancements are delivered.
  • Driven by a new preference, a warning is displayed when opening a legacy product with PGP.
  • The Product Graphic Properties Status B.I. indicates the product graphic properties, and contains a command to migrate a selection of products.
Benefits: By selecting those legacy products that will benefit from the PGP migration, you save time compared to a full assembly migration.
For more information, see General Using B.I. Essentials in Product Structure Design Product Graphic Properties Administration: Migrating Product Graphic Properties and Flexibility Data Model

Quality Rules for Shapes

Specific rules are available for checking publication name and visualization state on shapes.
These quality rules are:
Benefits: Products and shapes have now specific rules for checking publication name and visualization state.
For more information, see Quality Rules Management

Insert Existing Product Configuration and Replace by Existing Configuration

These two commands were previously accessible from the context menu only. They are now accessible from the action bar too.
Benefits: You can easily access the commands to manage configuration on a product.
For more information, see Inserting an Existing Product Configuration Replacing an Existing Predefined Configuration Product Modification Section

R2022x GA

Importing PartSupply Components

You can open, insert, and replace PartSupply components in Product Structure Design.
Benefits: You have access to 3D parts coming from hundreds of suppliers and manufacturers. These 3D parts can now be easily inserted in your assemblies.
For more information, see Working with PartSupply About Product Modeler

New PGP and PMR Migration

A new data model is proposed for product graphic properties (PGP) and positional mechanical reference (PMR). Your administrator must migrate the server.
When opening a model created with an earlier version, PGP and PMR are automatically upgraded. If not, a warning message indicates that you must use the migration batch.
  • When pasting a copied or cut product instance, its graphical properties and its position information are now kept.
  • When creating flexible assemblies or applying graphical properties, the new data model is equally or more efficient in performance.
  • In the Edit Links and Relations dialog box, you can now see the PGP and PMR related links.
For more information, see Administration: Migrating Product Graphic Properties and Flexibility Data Model

Copying and Pasting the Position of a Product or Part

You can copy the position of a product or part instance, and paste it to one or multiple instances.
Benefits: With the Copy and Paste Position command, you can align several instances in one click.
For more information, see Copying and Pasting Position

Displaying and Modifying Position Properties

The information displayed in the Properties dialog box is now accessible with the following commands:
  • Product Mechanical Behavior: for the root node of your model
  • Product Position: for the instances
Benefits: You can now easily access the position and flexibility information.
For more information, see Editing the Instance Position Working with the Product Flexibility

Inserting Existing Components

The Unified Insert Existing Product Command preference lets you insert any type of objects (product, 3D part, or fastener) when using the Insert Existing Product command.
This preference impacts the following operations:Inserting an Existing Product and Inserting an Existing 3D Part.
Benefits: You can use the same unified command, Insert Existing Product , to insert any type of reference.
For more information, see Commands

Renaming of the Reserve Status B.I.

The Reserve Status B.I. is renamed Lock Status.
Benefits: This new name clarifies the usage of this B.I.
For more information, see Lock Status

Inserting a Duplicate of an Existing Product or Representation

The commands to duplicate an existing product or representation and insert it in the tree and in the 3D area are now available in the Product Modification section of the action bar.
Benefits: You can access quickly these commands in the action bar and control their availability through Me > Preferences.
For more information, see Inserting a Duplicate From an Existing Product

Displaying Grouping Nodes from Product Finder

If groupingcd x3 specifications are defined in Product Finder Classicusing 6WTags, Product Structure Design displays these grouping nodes.
Benefits: For publications, the grouping specifications are inherited from Product Finder. You do not have to recreate them in Product Structure Design.
For more information, see Opening a Product

Supporting Polyhedral Geometry

You can now apply commands on polyhedral objects, or use polyhedral geometry as inputs.
Benefits: The app is more efficient and robust.

Setting and Editing Manufacturable/Procurable Attribute

You can now define the Manufacturable/Procurable attribute when creating a 3D part.
In the Spreadsheet and the Sheet Editor, you can view and edit the Manufacturable/Procurable attribute.
Benefits: This attribute is useful to classify BOM and non-BOM items at creation.
For more information, see Creating a 3D Part About Physical Objects in the Spreadsheet

Enterprise Item Number and Change Action - R2021x FD07 (FP.2124)

You can add an Enterprise Item number to identify a product within a single corporation, and sometimes across several corporations.
You can add an Enterprise Item number even if the product is defined as Under Change in the Change Action app.
Benefits: You can identify a product within one or multiple corporations by adding an Enterprise Item number.
For more information, see Specifying an Enterprise Item Number

Collapsing and Expanding the Root Node

You can now collapse the root node. By default, the root node is expanded when opening a product.
Benefits: Collapsing the root node provides more space to display the 3D model.
For more information, see Expand and Collapse Nodes Product Visualization

Switching to Edit Mode and Concurrent Engineering

When switching to Edit mode, if at least one object fails to load because of concurrent modifications done by another user, you are proposed to refresh or to start the B.I..
Benefits: Previously, the B.I. automatically started, and this operation could be time-consuming. It is now possible to save time by refreshing directly the model, without launching the B.I.
For more information, see Switching Representations to Edit Mode Concurrent Engineering Status

Making Reusable Representation

In the user interface and in the User Assistance, the term "shared" for representation is replaced by "reusable". The following command and preference option are renamed:
  • Make reusable representation command
  • Enable the reuse of representations preference
Benefits: This new terminology clarifies the reuse of representation capability.
For more information, see Making Representations Reusable Commands