Opening a Project

You can access these categories for a project.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader
  • App-specific: Global User

Before you begin: List the app categories for Program and Contract Management.
  1. In the navigation pane, click Program Mgmt > Projects.
  2. Select a project.
  3. You can use these categories in the navigation pane to view more details related to the project.

    Contract Deliveries are only visible for a contract or its governing project. It will not be available for other projects.

    Category Name Page Tabs Description For More Information
    Project Number Schedule Status Shows the dashboard for the project's schedule status through charts and graphs. Project Management User's Guide Schedule Status Tab
    Business Status Shows the dashboard for the project's business status through graphs and charts for Budget, Risk Grid, Benefit, Issues, and Assessments.
    People Members Lists the project's members. Project Management User's Guide Project Members Page
    Resource Plan Shows the project's resource plan. Project Management User's Guide Resource Plans
    Member Timesheet Lists the timesheets for the project's members. Project Management User's Guide Timesheets for Project Members
    Resource Requests Lists the project's resource requests. Working with Resource Requests
    Collaboration Favorites Lists the external URLs related to the project. Project Management User's Guide Favorites Page
    Decisions Lists the decisions for a project. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Decisions Page
    Discussions Lists the discussions for a project. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Discussions Page
    Meetings Lists the meetings for a project. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Meetings Page
    Execution Assessments Shows the current health of the project. Project Management User's Guide Assessments Page
    Issues Lists any issues related to the project. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Issues
    Risks Lists the risks related to the project. Project Management User's Guide Risks and Risk Factors Page
    Opportunities Lists the opportunities related to the project. Project Management User's Guide Opportunities Page
    Routes Lists the project's routes. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Approvals Lists the project's approvals. Project Management User's Guide Approvals Page
    Experiments Experiments Lists the project's experiments. Project Management User's Guide Experiments
    Structured View Lists the project's structure. Project Management User's Guide Experiment Structure
    Flattened View Shows the flat view of tasks for the project. Project Management User's Guide Working the Flattened View
    Gantt Chart Shows the project's Gantt Chart. Project Management User's Guide Working the Gantt Chart
    Contract Deliveries DRLs Lists the DRLs connected to the governing project. DRLs are displayed from the project of a contract. Data Requirement List
    Contract Milestones Lists the contract milestones connected to the project. Contract milestones are displayed from the project of a contract. Contract Milestones List
    DRL Status Displays the DRL Status Report, CDSSR Report, and Look Ahead Report in a graphical summary. DRL Status Page
    Deliverable Reports Assignee Workload Lists the tasks and its status assigned to each project member. Assignee Workload List
    Deliverables Lists the deliverables for the project. Deliverables List
    Bookmark Content Lists the contents of the project bookmark. Bookmark Content List
    Project Bookmark and Deliverable Content Lists the project bookmarks and the deliverable content of the project. Project Bookmark and Deliverable Content List
    Task Assignees Lists the users and their assigned tasks. Task Assignees List
    Financials Budget Shows the project's budget. Project Management User's Guide Working with the Project Budget
    Benefits Shows the project's benefits. Project Management User's Guide Project Benefits Page
    Bookmarks Lists the project's bookmarks that contain documents related to the project. Project Management User's Guide Bookmarks Page
    Objectives Business Goals Lists the project's business goals. Project Management User's Guide Business Goals Page
    Quality Lists the CTQs for the project. Project Management User's Guide CTQs Page
    Governed Items Lists the associated objects that are executed by the project. Project Management User's Guide Governed Items
    Details Properties Lists the project's properties. Project Properties
    Preferences Shows the project's preferences.
    Lifecycle Shows the lifecycle of the project, including its current state. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    History Shows a list of events that have occurred related to the project. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    Resolved By Lists information about objects that were used to solve the issue. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Resolved By Page for an Issue
    Related Projects Lists the related projects. Project Management User's Guide Related Projects
    Images Shows the project's images. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Images Page
    Project Requirements WBS (Spec) Lists the WBS Specs for the project. WBS Specification List
    Common WBSE Lists the Common WBSE Specs for the project. Common WBSE List
    TPMs Lists the Technical Performance Measurements for the project. TPMs List
    Schedule Structured View Shows the project's structure. Project Management User's Guide Experiment Structure
    Flattened View Shows the flat view of tasks for the project. Project Management User's Guide Working the Flattened View
    Gantt Chart Shows the project's Gantt Chart. Project Management User's Guide Working the Gantt Chart
    Milestones Lists the project's milestones. Project Management User's Guide Milestones for a Project
    Phase Gates Shows the project's phase gates defined for the project work breakdown structure. Project Management User's Guide Phase Gate View
    Baselines Shows baselines for the project. Project Management User's Guide Baselines
    IP Security Settings Classes Shows the security classes related to the project. IP Security Settings displays if IP Protection Classification is installed.
    Exceptions Shows the exceptions related to the project. IP Security Settings displays if IP Protection Classification is installed.
    Note: Contract Deliveries will display for a Contract's Governing Project.