Mashup Builder or Mashup Builder Premium
Overall Description of the Menus
Understanding the Edit Application Menu
Make parallel requests with feeds
Enable security on a Exalead CloudView Search feed
About Feed and Design Triggers
Add triggers to an application or a page
Configuring Data Storage for Collaborative Widgets
Configure storage to index collaborative data
Create composite widgets from scratch
Create custom widget properties
Create a composite from a page or widget
Modifying the Search Results Display
Display hits depending on meta values
Textual address Vs GPS coordinates
Restrict the search results to a Geographical Area
Link the search results list to a Google map
Adding Security to Your Application
Add a CloudView Security Provider
Add a Kerberos Security Provider
Enabling the Reporting Services
Enhancing Application Response Time with Gzip Compression
Clearing Application or Widget Storage
Troubleshooting your application
Running an Application in 3DDashboard
Appendix - Mashup Expression Language