Natural Sketch

What's New

Natural Sketch Basics

Related Guides and Resources

Natural Sketch Access to Content

User Interface: Action Bar

Standard Area




Setting Up your Work Environment

Predefined Queries

Natural Sketch Options

Customizing Preferences

Offline Mode

Managing Layers

About Layers

Organizing your Drawing Using Layers

Managing Planes and Viewpoints

Defining the Drawing Plane

Manipulating the Viewpoint



Sketching Primitives



Tracing Over

Blending Curves

Tracing Primitives

Extrapolating Curves

Modifying Points on Curves

Modifying Control Points

Splitting Curves

Generating Clean Surfaces

Converting Imported Curves and Edges

Modifying the Color of Curves

Managing the Opacity and the Thickness


Erasing Curves

Deleting Objects

Transforming Objects

Transforming Objects

Duplicating Objects

Creating a Lineic Extrusion

Creating Symmetrical Objects

Working On Images

Importing Images as a Support

Importing Images onto Planes

Editing Images

Erasing an Image

Cutting an Image

Creating Rough Curves From an Image

Setting Up a Perspective

Natural Sketch VR: Sketching in Immersion Using the HTC© Vive™ Device

Natural Sketch VR: Sketching in Immersion Using the HTC© Vive™ Device

General Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controller

Navigation Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Sketch Mode Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Trace Mode Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Transform Mode Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Dressing Mode Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Surface Mode Controls for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Drawing Mode for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Color Palette for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Thickness and Opacity for the HTC© Vive™ Controllers

Using B.I. Essentials in Natural Sketch

Reference Information: Design Range Management