Connector for CATIA V5 Access to Content
Using CATIA V5 Embedded Integration
Configuring and Activating the Embedded Integration Mode
About 3DEXPERIENCE Import Utility Tool
Configuring the Import Utility in UNIX Using the settings.ini File
Derived Outputs for Import Using the Import Utility Tool
Saving Documents from CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE
Saving Documents using Advanced Options
Searching and Opening Documents from 3DEXPERIENCE
Viewing Recently Accessed Documents
Viewing the Where Used Details of a Document
Setting the Local Workspace Directory
Opening Documents from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform in CATIA V5
Opening Selected Components of an Assembly
Opening Documents from Platform Workspace or Project Folder
adlOpening Documents in CATIA V5 from the Compass
Viewing Object Geometry using Automatic Reframe
Locking or Unlocking Documents
Including or Excluding Components from the BOM
Settings to Configure Insert and Replace Components with 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
Inserting or Replacing Components
Refreshing the Document Status
Deleting Files from Local and Temporary Workspaces
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Menu Commands for Embedded Integration
Types for MultiCAD Data in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
Managing Resources using the PRM (Project Resource Management) Configuration File
Attributes and Attribute Mapping