Digitized Shape Preparation Basics
Digitized Shape Preparation Access to Content
Digitized Data Section: Primary Area
Digitized Data Section: Secondary Area
Wireframe Section: Primary Area
Wireframe Section: Secondary Area
About the Transformations Commands
About the Limit Element in Mesh Morphing
About Constraints for Curve from Scan
Displaying Clouds of Points or Meshes
Activating a Portion of a Cloud of Points
Extracting Data from a Cloud of Points
Exporting Clouds of Points or Meshes
About 3DXML Import/Export of Large Clouds of Points
Importing Large Digitization Files
Opening and Editing Large Clouds of Points
Extracting and Converting a Portion of a Large Point Cloud into a Regular Point Cloud
Aligning Clouds with Constraints
Aligning a Cloud Using the Previous Transformation
Solving Constraints Errors While Aligning Clouds
Performing a Symmetry on Geometry
Transforming Geometry by Scaling
Transforming Geometry by Affinity
Transforming Elements from an Axis to Another
Removing Elements from a Cloud of Points
Protecting Characteristic Lines
Performing Operations on Clouds
Disassembling Data from a Cloud of Points
Creating or Regenerating Meshes
Performing a Deviation Analysis
Creating Automatic Planar Sections
Applying a Tangency Constraint on a Point
Creating a Point Using Coordinates
Creating a Point Using the Center of a Circle/Sphere/Ellipse
Creating a Point Tangent on a Curve
Creating a Point Between Two Points
Creating a Line Between Two Points
Creating a Line Using a Point and a Direction
Creating a Line Normal to a Curve
Creating a Line Tangent to a Curve
Creating a Line Normal to a Surface
Creating a Line at the Bisection of Two Lines
Creating a Line Up to an Element
Creating a Series of Lines Using the Last Point
Creating a Plane Offset From another Plane
Creating a Plane Parallel to a Plane and through a Point
Creating a Plane Normal to another Plane
Creating a Plane Through Three Points
Creating a Plane Through Two Lines
Creating a Plane Through a Point and a Line
Creating a Plane Through a Planar Curve
Creating a Plane Normal to a Curve
Creating a Plane Tangent to a Surface
Creating a Plane Using an Equation
Creating a Mean Plane Through Points
Creating a Plane Between two Planes
Creating a Circle with a Center and a Radius
Creating a Circle with a Center and a Point
Creating a Circle with Two Points and a Radius
Creating a Circle with Three Points
Creating a Circle with a Center and an Axis
Creating a Bitangent Circle (with Two Elements)
Creating a Bitangent Circle (with at least a Point)
Creating a Circle with a Center Element and a Tangent Curve
Using Points in Generative Shape Design
Digitized Shape Preparation File-based Design Import
Digitized Shape Preparation Database Design Import
Polyhedral Geometry in Digitized Shape Preparation
Converting a Mesh/Scan/Cloud of Points into a Polyhedral Feature