Generative Shape Design Tree

This section contains a list of all Generative Shape Design tree symbols.

This page discusses:

Tree Structure

The following image represents a typicalGenerative Shape Design tree:



3D Shape Representation

Managing Geometrical Sets

Managing Ordered geometric Sets

Selecting Using the Multi-Selection

Creating Points

Creating a Rolling Offset

Creating Multiple Points, Planes, and Axis Systems

Creating a 3D Curve Offset

Creating Extremum Elements

Creating Circles

Creating Polar Extremum Elements

Creating Power Copies

Creating Lines

Creating Connect Curves

Creating an Axis

Creating Conic Curves

Creating Polylines

Creating Splines

Creating Planes

Creating a Helix

Creating Projections

Creating Spirals

Creating Combined Curves

Creating a Spine

Creating Reflect Lines

Creating Contours

Creating Intersections

Creating Isoparametric Curves on Surfaces

Creating Parallel Curves
Creating a Curve from Equations

Creating Laws

Creating Extruded Surfaces About Creating Midsurfaces

Creating Revolved Surfaces

About Swept Surfaces

Creating Spherical Surfaces

Creating Adaptive Swept Surfaces

Creating Cylindrical Surfaces

Creating Fill Surfaces

Creating Offset Surfaces

Working with Multi-Sections Surfaces

Creating Variable Offset Surfaces

Creating Blended Surfaces

Creating Rough Offset Surfaces

Joining Curves or Surfaces

Creating Face-Face Fillets

Healing Geometry

Creating Tritangent Fillets

Smoothing Curves

Translating Geometry

Simplifying Surfaces

Rotating Geometry

Restoring a Surface or Curve

Splitting Geometry

Performing a Symmetry on Geometry

Trimming Geometry

Transforming Geometry by Scaling

Creating Boundaries

Transforming Geometry by Affinity

Extracting Elements

Transforming Elements from an Axis to Another

Extracting Sub-Elements

Extrapolating Curves

Creating Bitangent Shape Fillets

Inverting the Orientation of Geometry

Creating Edge Fillets

Creating the Nearest or the Farthest Entity of a Multiple Element

Creating Edge Fillets Using Variable Radii

Creating Rectangular Patterns using Single Elements

Creating Rectangular Patterns using Multiple Elements

Creating Planes Between Other Planes

Creating Circular Patterns using Single Elements

Creating Circular Patterns using Multiple Elements

Managing Power Copies

Creating User Patterns using Single Elements
Advanced Surfaces

Creating Bumped Elements

Deforming Elements According to Curve Wrapping

Deforming Elements According to Surface Wrapping

Deforming Elements According to Shape Morphing
Generative Shape Develop

Unfolding a Surface
Transferring Elements

Developing Wires and Points

Creating a Surface with UV Parametrization

Creating Extruded Volumes

Creating a Shell

Creating Revolved Volumes

Creating a Sew Surface

Creating Multi-Sections Volumes

Creating Thicknesses

Creating Swept Volumes

Adding Volumes

Creating a Thick Surface

Removing Volumes

Creating a Close Surface

Intersecting Volumes

Creating a Draft

Trimming Volumes

Creating a Variable Draft Angle

Creating a Draft from Reflect Lines
BiW Templates

Creating Junctions

Creating a Hole Curve

Creating a Diabolo

Creating a Mating Flange

Creating a Hole

Creating a Bead

Creating 2D-View Sections

Creating a Blend Corner

Defining an Axis System

Creating Masks

Working with a Support Working with a 3D Support

Creating Datum Elements
Creating Plane Systems

Checking Connections Between Surfaces

Analyzing Surface Curvature
Checking Connections Between Curves

Analyzing Using Porcupine Curvature

Analyzing the Draft Angle


Federated: the element has been federated (this symbol is only available with the Joining Curves or Surfaces,Extracting Elements and Extracting Sub-Elements commands).
For more information about general symbols in the tree, refer to 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Part Design User's Guide: 3DEXPERIENCE Basics Adoption: Symbols.