This section lists the topics in this guide that apply to Abaqus/Explicit.
This page discusses:
Acoustic radiation impedance of a sphere in breathing mode
Acoustic-acoustic tie constraint in three dimensions
Acoustic-acoustic tie constraint in two dimensions
Acoustic-structural interaction in an infinite acoustic medium
Adaptivity patch test with different materials
Advection in a rotating frame
Indentation with different materials
Propagation of a compaction wave in a shock tube
Water sloshing in a pitching tank
Wave propagation in a shock tube
Wave propagation with different materials
Buckling of a column with general contact
R0031(1): Laminated strip under three-point bending
R0031(2): Wrapped thick cylinder under pressure and thermal loading
R0031(3): Three-layer sandwich shell under normal pressure loading
Compression of cylindrical shells with general contact
Explosively loaded cylindrical panel
Free ring under initial velocity: comparison of rate-independent and rate-dependent plasticity
Frictional braking of a rotating rigid body
Impact of a copper rod
Oblique shock reflections
Pipe whip simulation
Plate penetration by a projectile
Rigid body dynamics with Abaqus/Explicit
Steady-state slip of a belt drive
Truss impact on a rigid wall
Anisotropic hyperelastic modeling of arterial layers
Rubber under uniaxial tension
Transient thermal loading of a viscoelastic slab
Deflection of an elastic dam under water pressure
Eulerian analysis of a collapsing water column
Coupled temperature-displacement analysis: one-dimensional gap conductance and radiation
Freezing of a square solid: the two-dimensional Stefan problem
Quenching of an infinite plate
Wave propagation in an infinite medium
Biaxial tests on gray cast iron
Indentation of a crushable foam plate
Mixed-mode failure of a notched unreinforced concrete beam
Notched unreinforced concrete beam under 3-point bending
One-way reinforced concrete slab
Pressure on infinite geostatic medium
Pressurization of a thick-walled cylinder
Simple tests on a crushable foam specimen
Stretching of a plate with a hole
Test 5T: Deep simply supported beam: transient forced vibration
Test 13T: Simply supported thin square plate: transient forced vibration
Test 21T: Simply supported thick square plate: transient forced vibration
Finite deformation of an elastic-plastic granular material
Limit load calculations with granular materials
Delamination analysis of laminated composites
Fluid filled rubber bladders
LE1: Plane stress elements—elliptic membrane
LE2: Cylindrical shell bending patch test
LE3: Hemispherical shell with point loads
LE5: Z-section cantilever
LE6: Skew plate under normal pressure
LE7: Axisymmetric cylinder/sphere under pressure
LE8: Axisymmetric shell under pressure
LE10: Thick plate under pressure
T2: One-dimensional heat transfer with radiation
T3: One-dimensional transient heat transfer
T4: Two-dimensional heat transfer with convection
Composite shells in cylindrical bending
Concrete slump test
Necking of a round tensile bar
Pressurized rubber disc
The Hertz contact problem
Analysis of a twisted beam
Performance of continuum and shell elements for linear analysis of bending problems
Shell bending under a tip load
Simulation of propeller rotation
Skew sensitivity of shell elements
The barrel vault roof problem
The pinched cylinder problem
The pinched sphere problem
Transient response of a shallow spherical cap
Variable thickness shells and membranes
Air-backed coupled plate response to a planar exponentially decaying wave
Coupled cylindrical shell response to a planar step wave
Coupled spherical shell response to a planar step wave
Cylindrical shell response to a planar exponentially decaying shock wave
Cylindrical shell response to a planar step shock wave
Fluid-filled spherical shell response to a planar step wave
One-dimensional underwater shock analysis
Plate response to a planar exponentially decaying shock wave
Response of beam elements to a planar wave
Spherical shell response to a planar exponentially decaying wave
Spherical shell response to a planar step wave
Spherical shell response to a spherical exponentially decaying wave
The one-dimensional cavitation problem
The submerged infinite cylinder problem
The submerged sphere problem
Water-backed coupled plate response to a planar exponentially decaying wave