Static Stress/Displacement Analyses
Static and quasi-static stress analyses
Axisymmetric analysis of bolted pipe flange connections
Loading and boundary conditions
Elastic-plastic collapse of a thin-walled elbow under in-plane bending and internal pressure
Parametric study of a linear elastic pipeline under in-plane bending
Indentation of an elastomeric foam specimen with a hemispherical punch
Procedure and loading definitions
Notched beam under cyclic loading
Loading and boundary conditions
Uniaxial ratchetting under tension and compression
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 2 Uniaxial tension and compression cyclic analysis
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Hydrostatic fluid elements: modeling an airspring
Symmetry boundary conditions and initial shell curvature
Shell-to-solid submodeling and shell-to-solid coupling of a pipe joint
Stress-free element reactivation
Transient loading of a viscoelastic bushing
Damage and failure of a laminated composite plate
Problem description and material behavior
Analysis of an automotive boot seal
User subroutine for neo-Hookean hyperelasticity
Pressure penetration analysis of an air duct kiss seal
Self-contact in rubber/foam components: jounce bumper
Self-contact in rubber/foam components: rubber gasket
Submodeling of a stacked sheet metal assembly
Axisymmetric analysis of a threaded connection
Loading and boundary conditions
Direct cyclic analysis of a cylinder head under cyclic thermomechanical loadings
Loading and boundary constraints
Erosion of material (sand production) in an oil wellbore
Submodel stress analysis of pressure vessel closure hardware
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Reactor closure analysis: reference solution
Case 2 Submodel analysis of the closure head standpipe region
Case 3 Submodel application of CDM plug loading
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Energy computations in a contact analysis
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Buckling and collapse analyses
Snap-through buckling analysis of circular arches
Laminated composite shells: buckling of a cylindrical panel with a circular hole
Relation between stress resultants and generalized strains
Buckling of a column with spot welds
Elastic-plastic K-frame structure
Unstable static problem: reinforced plate under compressive loads
Buckling of an imperfection-sensitive cylindrical shell
Boundary conditions and loading
Mesh-to-mesh solution mapping in Abaqus/Standard
Adaptive meshing in Abaqus/Explicit
Superplastic forming of a rectangular box
Stretching of a thin sheet with a hemispherical punch
Deep drawing of a cylindrical cup
Extrusion of a cylindrical metal bar with frictional heat generation
Material model and interface behavior
Boundary conditions, loading, and solution control
Axisymmetric forming of a circular cup
Forging with multiple complex dies
Flat rolling: transient and steady-state
Axisymmetric extrusion: transient and steady-state
Upsetting of a cylindrical billet: coupled temperature-displacement and adiabatic analysis
Boundary conditions and loading
Unstable static problem: thermal forming of a metal sheet
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1: Natural frequency analysis of a fiber-filled bracket
Case 2: Natural frequency analysis of an unfilled bracket
Case 3: Deformation due to initial stresses in a three-dimensional filled bracket
A plate with a part-through crack: elastic line spring modeling
Shell-to-solid submodeling around the crack tip
Elastic-plastic line spring modeling of a finite length cylinder with a part-through axial flaw
Shell-to-solid submodeling around the crack tip
Crack growth in a three-point bend specimen
Analysis of skin-stiffener debonding under tension
Failure of blunt notched fiber metal laminates
Problem description and material characteristics
UMAT model for fiber-reinforced epoxy layers
Multiscale model for fiber-reinforced epoxy layers
Debonding behavior of a double cantilever beam
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Prediction using matched and mismatched meshes for the two-dimensional DCB model
Case 2 Comparison using different mesh discretizations for the two-dimensional DCB model
Case 3 Theoretical and VCCT response prediction for the three-dimensional DCB model
Case 4 Using cohesive elements with VCCT debond to model crack initiation
Case 5 Using cohesive elements with VCCT debond to model Z-pins and stitches
Case 6 Fatigue prediction using the same model as in Case 1
Case 7 Fatigue prediction using the same model as in Case 3
Case 8 Comparison of the results obtained using VCCT, cohesive elements, and cohesive behavior
Case 9 Using VCCT in Abaqus/Explicit to model crack initiation
Debonding behavior of a single leg bending specimen
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Two-dimensional single leg bending model
Case 2 Three-dimensional single leg bending model
Case 3 Fatigue prediction using the same model as in Case 1
Case 4 Fatigue prediction using the same model as in Case 2
Case 5 Using VCCT in Abaqus/Explicit to model crack initiation
Postbuckling and growth of delaminations in composite panels
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Springback of two-dimensional draw bending
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1a: Explicit forming analysis using general contact
Case 1b: Explicit forming analysis using kinematic contact pairs
Case 1c: Explicit forming analysis using penalty contact pairs
Case 1d: Explicit forming analysis using general contact with a refined mesh
Case 1e: Explicit forming analysis using kinematic contact pairs with a refined mesh
Case 2a: Static springback analysis with no update of the reference configuration during import
Case 2b: Static springback analysis with update of the reference configuration during import
Case 3a: Static analysis of forming and springback using surface-to-surface contact
Case 3b: Static analysis of forming and springback using node-to-surface contact
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Dynamic Stress/Displacement Analyses
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a structure with local inelastic collapse
Detroit Edison pipe whip experiment
Rigid projectile impacting eroding plate
Eroding projectile impacting eroding plate
Pressurized fuel tank with variable shell thickness
Modeling of an automobile suspension
Knee bolster impact with general contact
Crimp forming with general contact
Collapse of a stack of blocks with general contact
Cask drop with foam impact limiter
Oblique impact of a copper rod
Water sloshing in a baffled tank
Seismic analysis of a concrete gravity dam
Progressive failure analysis of thin-wall aluminum extrusion under quasi-static and dynamic loads
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Impact analysis of a pawl-ratchet device
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
High-velocity impact of a ceramic target
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Constitutive models for ceramic materials under high-velocity impact
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Confined compression of multiple two-dimensional cylinders with different material properties
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Analysis of a rotating fan using substructures and cyclic symmetry
Linear analysis of the Indian Point reactor feedwater line
Response spectra of a three-dimensional frame building
Problem description and model definition
Dynamic analysis of antenna structure utilizing residual modes
Geometry and problem description
Steady-state dynamic analysis of a vehicle body-in-white model
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Eulerian and co-simulation analyses
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Impact of a water-filled bottle
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis
Case 3 Finite element conversion to SPH particles analysis
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Dynamic impact of a scooter with a bump
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Abaqus/Explicit reference analysis
Case 2 Co-simulation analysis using subcycling
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Symmetric results transfer for a static tire analysis
Steady-state rolling analysis of a tire
Problem description and model definition
Subspace-based steady-state dynamic tire analysis
Steady-state dynamic analysis of a tire substructure
Problem description and model definition
Coupled acoustic-structural analysis of a tire filled with air
Import of a steady-state rolling tire
Problem description and model definition
Analysis of a solid disc with Mullins effect and permanent set
Calibration of material properties
Static response of a solid disc to cyclic deformation
Rolling response of a solid disc
Tread wear simulation using adaptive meshing in Abaqus/Standard
Problem description and model definition
Dynamic analysis of an air-filled tire with rolling transport effects
Acoustics in a circular duct with flow
Problem description and model definition
Inertia relief in a pick-up truck
Problem description and model definition
Substructure analysis of a pick-up truck model
Display body analysis of a pick-up truck model
Continuum modeling of automotive spot welds
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Seat belt analysis of a simplified crash dummy
Side curtain airbag impactor test
Side curtain airbag analysis using the lumped kinetic molecular method
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Mechanism and Electromagnetic Analyses
Resolving overconstraints in a multi-body mechanism model
Loading and boundary conditions
Understanding overconstraint messages
Correcting the overconstrained model
Substructure analysis of a one-piston engine model
Application of bushing connectors in the analysis of a three-point linkage
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Eigenvalue analysis of a piezoelectric transducer
Transient dynamic nonlinear response of a piezoelectric transducer
Thermal-electrical modeling of an automotive fuse
Heat Transfer and Thermal-Stress Analyses and Particle Methods
Heat transfer and thermal-stress analyses
Thermal-stress analysis of a disc brake
Solution controls (Abaqus/Standard only)
A sequentially coupled thermomechanical analysis of a disc brake with an Eulerian approach
Problem description and loading
Loading and boundary constraints
Coolant manifold cover gasketed joint
Loading and boundary constraints
Conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer in an exhaust manifold
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Coupled thermomechanical analysis of viscoelastic dampers
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Mixing of granular media in a drum mixer
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 1 Nonadhesive contact between limestone pellets
Case 2 Adhesive contact between polyethylene pellets
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation
Sequential thermomechanical analysis of a laser powder bed fusion build
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Sequential thermomechanical analysis of a directed energy deposition build
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Mass Diffusion and Soils Analyses
Hydrogen diffusion in a vessel wall section
Diffusion toward an elastic crack tip
Calculation of phreatic surface in an earth dam
Axisymmetric simulation of an oil well
Analysis of a pipeline buried in soil
Hydraulically induced fracture in a wellbore
Loading and boundary conditions
Permafrost thawing–pipeline interaction
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Acoustic and Shock and Abaqus/Aqua Analyses
Fully and sequentially coupled acoustic-structural analysis of a muffler
Full modeling vs. submodeling in Abaqus
Coupled acoustic-structural analysis of a speaker
Analysis of a speaker using Abaqus-Dymola co-simulation
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Case 2: Response fidelity analysis
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Response of a submerged cylinder to an underwater explosion shock wave
Problem and geometry description
Fluid-structure coupling and shock wave loading
Convergence studies for shock analyses using shell elements
UNDEX analysis of a detailed submarine model
Problem and geometry description
Coupled acoustic-structural analysis of a pick-up truck
Long-duration response of a submerged cylinder to an underwater explosion
Problem and geometry description
Fluid-structure coupling and shock wave loading
Deformation of a sandwich plate under CONWEP blast loading
Abaqus modeling approaches and simulation techniques
Cases 1–3: Solid plate with shell elements
Cases 4–6: Solid plate with 3D continuum elements
Cases 7–9: Sandwich plate structure
Discussion of results and comparison of cases
Boundary conditions and loading
Design sensitivity analysis of a composite centrifuge
Design parameters and normalization
Design sensitivities for tire inflation, footprint, and natural frequency analysis
Perturbation sizes for the finite differencing operations
Normalization of sensitivity results
Design sensitivity analysis of a windshield wiper
Geometry, model properties, and design parameters
Loading, boundary conditions, and design responses
Design sensitivity analysis of a rubber bushing
Geometry, model properties, and design parameters
Design sensitivity analysis and design parameters
Postprocessing of Abaqus Results
About user postprocessing of Abaqus results files
Joining data from multiple results files and converting file format: FJOIN
Program compilation and linking
Calculation of principal stresses and strains and their directions: FPRIN
Program compilation and linking
Creation of a perturbed mesh from original coordinate data and eigenvectors: FPERT
Program compilation and linking
Output radiation view factors and facet areas: FRAD
Program compilation and linking
Creation of a data file to facilitate the postprocessing of elbow element results: FELBOW
Program compilation and linking
Buckling and collapse analyses
Design sensitivities for tire inflation, footprint, and natural frequency analysis
Design sensitivity analysis of a composite centrifuge
Design sensitivity analysis of a rubber bushing
Design sensitivity analysis of a windshield wiper
Eulerian and co-simulation analyses
Heat transfer and thermal-stress analyses
Sequential thermomechanical analysis of a directed energy deposition build
Sequential thermomechanical analysis of a laser powder bed fusion build
Static and quasi-static stress analyses
Buckling and collapse analyses
Eulerian and co-simulation analyses
Heat transfer and thermal-stress analyses
Particle methods and fluid dynamics
Static and quasi-static stress analyses
Design sensitivities for tire inflation, footprint, and natural frequency analysis
Design sensitivity analysis of a composite centrifuge
Design sensitivity analysis of a rubber bushing